How do I Find Out Who Sings a Song?

If you are trying to find out who sings a song, one of the easiest ways is to type the name of the song into a popular online search engine! You can find more information here:

This is a splendid job for Google, actually, particularly its ability to search for phrases rather than just collections of words. Unlike most people with tenuous memories of songs, you remembered the lyrics right, congratulations! The first match is from the site Am I Right?

, where they state that this particular lyric from Manfred Mann's song "Blinded by the Light" is commonly misheard (or misremembered) as "wrapped up like a douche". There's also some confusion about whether it's "wrapped up" or "revved up". We've already found your match, though, the song is Blinded by the Light and it's by Manfred Mann.

A bit more digging and you'll find that it was originally written by a far more successful and talented, but that's just my opinion musician, Bruce Springsteen, in the early 70's and Manfried Mann recorded their cover version in the mid 70's. One great place to dig around for music and song information, by the way, is, where you can find that there are a surprising 350 matches in the database to "blinded by the light" and where I confirmed that indeed "Manfred Mann" was also known as "Manfred Mann's Earth Band". I thought so.

Go back and look at those Google results, though. There's an upload on YouTube of Manfred and his gang playing the song from back in 1976. The second match back at our original Google search is also quite interesting, it's an article from Cecil Adams for his splendid The Straight Dope column on the lyrics to this very song.

In his short piece Cecil explains that Springsteen's original lyrics were "cut loose like a deuce" and that Mann changed it to "wrapped up like a deuce", then he bails and admits he has no idea what any of it means. Uh, okay, Cecil.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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