How do I ignore a file/directory with a space in it with a (tortoise) SVN ignore pattern?

I found this documentation in the tortoise manual. According to it.

I found this documentation in the tortoise manual. According to it ... Matches any one of the characters enclosed in the square brackets. Within the brackets, a pair of characters separated by “-�

Matches any character lexically between the two. For example AGm-p matches any one of A, G, m, n, o or p. So I can simply do Static Debug which works Ok that actually DOESN'T WORK for whitespace in my version of Tortoise What works is using?

Matches any single character. Which lets me do Static? Debug which unfortunately also matches stuff like StaticADebug.

But this is good enough to do the trick.

Nice way to leverage the pattern matching brackets to do the job effectively. – Edwin Buck Jul 27 at 15:45 @Edwin, I was wrong. Didn't work.

I must have confused my results with the? Test I did. I wish it DID work.

Tortoise doesn't seem to provide anyway of escaping a space character and always sees it as a separator. – Doug T. Jul 27 at 15:53 too bad.It would have been an elegant hack.

Have you tried double and triple escaping the space? Sometimes the name gets evaluated in a shell, which strips the first backslash. I've had success in other tasks with items similar to Static\\\ Debug, etc. – Edwin Buck Jul 27 at 15:58 Another item to consider is that maybe the double quotes need backslashes.

Not that they should require them; but, perhaps the processing around the name isn't very careful in preserving them, and they get stripped along the way. – Edwin Buck Jul 27 at 15:59.

Related to Doug T. 's Answer, I played around with this a bit. Instead of using?

, you can specify an exclusion range with by putting a ^ at the front. Ignore^A-Ba-b0-9this If I have an "ignore this" and a "ignore0this", the one with the space will be ignored, but not the one with the 0.

As far as I know, it's a newline separated list. It even says so when you hover the mouse on the text box. I've just tried the name as-is and it works as expected: Static Debug Edit.

Mine says "Separate the patters with a space. " (if you do global ignore pattern) – crashmstr Jul 27 at 16:21 @crashmstr - Weird... See my screen-shot. – Álvaro G.

Vicario Jul 27 at 16:22 yes, you are in the property for something. That does indicate newline delimited. Not sure, but I think the original post is for global ignore patterns, and those are space delimited.

– crashmstr Jul 27 at 16:24 @crashmstr - You are right, I thought it was about editing the svn:ignore property of the parent directory, but the question clearly said global ignore patterns for all working copies. I misread it. – Álvaro G.

Vicario Jul 27 at 16:50.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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