I have been applying for many positions through craigslist. Now I am being contacted by few of them, but the job description does not look right. According to the duties, I am supposed to receive packages at my house look what is inside and than mail it back to the address the employer will provide me.
The other job's duties I believe is for me to receive checks and cash them. This doesn't smell right! My 6th sense is telling "FRAUD stay away", but I just want to know what others think Asked by Kendy 14 months ago Similar questions: job offer legitimate FRAUD Computers > Internet.
Similar questions: job offer legitimate FRAUD.
If it smells bad, it probably is bad. Sounds like money laundering or worse. In any event, if the company is legit, why do they need a re-mailer?
I wouldn't do anything with these people.
I thought the same thing. If legit why not give the position to someone in the company of friends. Anyway.
Thanks guys Kendy 14 months ago .
Yeah, ElBanditioRosa has it right. There are scams, Nigerian and otherwise, that try to involve Americans as go-betweens. The fraud will be traced back to you and it will look like you are the one pulling the scam, while the real scammers are offshore somewhere signing up the next batch of victims.
You shouldn't have contacted them in the first place, and I believe you will probably be inundated with work-at-home offers because now you're on their gullible list. Stay away from anything that involves cashing checks and re-mailing packages! .
No, don't het the wrong idea. When I applied for the job the title was Adminitrative Clerk or Assistant Manager, and the listed dueties where office job. Kendy 14 months ago .
If so, please give more info. Anyway, I just this this sounds to good to be true, thats why I am worried and what to find out more about it. Thanks for looking into this.
Kendy 14 months ago .
Your first clue is the package is mailed to you. Why isn't it merely mailed to the correct address the first time? Thus, by sending it to you, they are taking something from you: money or your legality.
The super-sized red flag is the "receive checks, cash, and mail other your check for some amount elsewhere. " That is a very common scam based on the lag time in check processing: while it's being identified as a bogus check, you're writing a valid check off of your real money. By the time you find out THEIR check is bogus, these criminals have already cashed YOUR check, have your money, and will not be heard from again.
I got one of those once, on an "account" for Wells Fargo, so I took it to the local Well Fargo to cash directly. The teller took some time with it, but eventually was able to ascertain that it was a fraudulently written check. It looked good for a while, tho; really had her checking around the office to verify it.
They're good at this scam, but it is always a scam. Again, why aren't they merely sending the check to the right place the first time? .
Receiving checks and cashing them is typical for money laundering operations where the trail lead directly to you! Receiving packages and them mailing them to somebody else sounds like credit card fraud. Stay away from such job 'offers' as usually they are offered by criminal gangs with which you really do not want to be involved.
I found a job more suited for me after accepting my first job offer." "I need to find a true, legitimate work-at-home job. I am at the end of my rope and I'm asking for your help. Thanks all." "Is there a legitimate way to meet a romantic partner on the internet?
" "Best Buy legitimate? " "Where is the best URL/LINK to help someone find a legitimate 'telecommuting' job?" "Should I be suspicious of a job offer from out of town?
I found a job more suited for me after accepting my first job offer.
I need to find a true, legitimate work-at-home job. I am at the end of my rope and I'm asking for your help. Thanks all.
Well, they're crafty! DanZee 63 months ago.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.