It is quite easy to transfer all your emails from one Gmail account to another. These are the few steps you need to follow; *First, Log into the first Gmail account that you want to transfer emails from. Click on the ‘’Setting’’ option, when this opens, select ‘’Forwarding and POP/IMAP’’.
Under the section for ‘’POP Download’’, choose ‘’Enable POP from all mail’’. Then Click on the ‘’Save Changes button’’ to save the new setting. *Next, Log into the second Gmail account (the one that would be receiving the emails).
Click on the ‘’Settings’’ button, then click on ‘’Accounts’’. Go to the ‘’Get mail from other accounts’’ and below it click on the link ‘’Add a mail account you own’’. When a window pops up, you can insert the email address of the first Gmail account and then click on the ‘’Next Step’’ button.
*Another screen would come up, here you have to type in the password of the first Gmail account, then go to the ‘’ POP server’’ drop down list and select ‘’ Com’’. Click on the ‘’Add Account’’ button.
When this account is added, you would be prompted to select if you would like send email from this second account using the first account’s email address. Make your choice might choosing yes or no and type a preference name for the first account. Click on ‘’Next Step’’ to continue.
*Now Click on the ‘’Send Verification’’ button and a verification code would be sent to your first Gmail account. This is done to verify that you are the owner of that Gmail account. Simply open the first Gmail account and copy the code, then paste it into the space on the second Gmail account.
Finally click on the ‘’Verify’’ button. *All the mails from the first account will be sent to the second after this verification.
Here are the directions for using Gmail to check additional Gmail or other pop email accounts :
It is quite easy to transfer all your emails from one Gmail account to another. These are the few steps you need to follow; *First, Log into the first Gmail account that you want to transfer emails from. Click on the ‘’Setting’’ option, when this opens, select ‘’Forwarding and POP/IMAP’’.
Under the section for ‘’POP Download’’, choose ‘’Enable POP from all mail’’. Then Click on the ‘’Save Changes button’’ to save the new setting. *Next, Log into the second Gmail account (the one that would be receiving the emails).
Click on the ‘’Settings’’ button, then click on ‘’Accounts’’. Go to the ‘’Get mail from other accounts’’ and below it click on the link ‘’Add a mail account you own’’. When a window pops up, you can insert the email address of the first Gmail account and then click on the ‘’Next Step’’ button.
*Another screen would come up, here you have to type in the password of the first Gmail account, then go to the ‘’ POP server’’ drop down list and select ‘’ Com’’. Click on the ‘’Add Account’’ button.
When this account is added, you would be prompted to select if you would like send email from this second account using the first account’s email address. Make your choice might choosing yes or no and type a preference name for the first account. Click on ‘’Next Step’’ to continue.
*Now Click on the ‘’Send Verification’’ button and a verification code would be sent to your first Gmail account. This is done to verify that you are the owner of that Gmail account. Simply open the first Gmail account and copy the code, then paste it into the space on the second Gmail account.
Finally click on the ‘’Verify’’ button. *All the mails from the first account will be sent to the second after this verification. http://www.mydigitallife.
Info/wp-content/uploads/2007/01/gmail-fetch-gmail-err. JPG
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.