How do you beat Astro Knights Island?

There are two solutions here: one deals predominantly with player actions; the other deals with the ramifications of the game scenario. Both are solutions providing "spoilers In addition, the Poptropica site offers hints for the game Solution #1: (Solution #2 below includes additional details in the same order) The Kingdom Arturus on Poptropica (boldface are collectible items) Go the village fountain, where there is a spaceship model Jump up on the highest platform and crouch. You should pick up a gold coin Then, go back to the museum next to the blimp.

Inside, USE the gold coin to look around Click on one of the books lying round the house and the guy will give you a library card Go to the castle and go inside. Go to the library (first floor right). Collect the two books you need.( The Life of Mordred: A Cautionary Tale and The Mystical Weapons of Arturus ) Then go to the section that it says on the library card and click on it.

A stairway will appear and you go down Collect the cheese and pull the lever. If you don't pull the lever, you will have to go back down later to reveal the dungeon tunnel.(Once you do, the monk and guards won't let you back in. ) The small gate at the back should open Exit and the monk should find you and tell you off.

Leave the library and go to the king and queen and talk to them both. Accept their mission and receive the Coordinates page Go to the final door (first floor left) and talk to the girl inside. Put the cheese on the ground and collect the robot mouse Find the secret message on the table.

Leave and head far right to the windmill area. Talk to the guy and get some manure Enter the mill, climb into the loft and release the mill gear lock. Talk to the girl in the loft.

She will give you a Cosmic Symbols password Go to the fountain again and press the three symbols then press the center one.(You cannot enter these until you have the password card. ) Enter, get the key and go out. Run back to the windmill climb it and push the windmill arms counter clockwise by jumping on them.It should open the roof Go inside and power the machine with manure Leave and go to the hay bales.

Separate them and use the key to unlock the door. Go inside and scare the owl Follow the owl out and release the mouse The owl will eat it and follow you Re-enter the hole in the ground, which is Mordred's laboratory. Run left and keep running into the wall.

It will break. Run all the way to the end and enter the passage You will find yourself in the jail cell. The alien will self-destruct.

Click the owl and then click the little green fuel rod Exit all the way out and head right. You will see the hoverboard that you restored floating in the marsh. Hop on it and head right until you see the crashed spaceship Take the green fuel rod and drag it to the broken pipe.

Since there is not enough fuel to reach any of the coordinates on the Coordinates page enter X-56, Y-52* and press Launch You will be wanting to know where these coordinates came from. First, grab the rope on the wheel mill in the swamp.(You may have already grabbed it.) Next, head right until you reach the castle. Climb up until you see the crossbow.

Attach the rope to an arrow and shoot roughly to the upper left.It might take several times, but eventually it will stick in the door of the princess's room. Walk on the rope and enter the princess's room. Once in the princess's room, pick up the Princess's Note Once you have this, exit her room and drop down to the ground, heading left.

Go back to the Mordred exhibit and search under his bed. You will find the Missing Page from Mordred's Journal At the very bottom of this page are the coordinates 56, 52 Pewter Moon Once your spaceship crashes, head right, past the BUILD YOUR OWN SPACESHIP stand and enter the first building you come to. Talk to the guy to the left.

Then, leave and head to the left Talk to the guy about the Binary Bard Continue to the left and stop at the BUILD YOUR OWN SPACESHIP stand that you passed earlier. Make a spaceship and leave, staying in orbit long enough to fully charge your shields Space, above Pewter Moon You have some choices now. You can go to the jungle planet at 15,15, the fire planet at 83,20, or the ice planet at 83,73.

This walkthrough will go in order from personal belief of easiest to hardest Head up and to the left until the tracker at the bottom says 15,15. Enter the planet Jungle Planet Start by dropping down to the floor. Head to the right and pick up the Laser Lance Using the flowers to your left, bounce back up to the platform where your spaceship is Wait until you see the swing to the right.

Jump on it. Jump on the swing next to that, and the swing next to that. If you fall, use the flowers to get back up.

When you are on the third and final swing, jump on the platform to the right and continue right Talk to the knight and jump up to the cage he was talking about. Let the unicorn out Defeat the Phoenix by avoiding the bird missiles and shooting at the bees when they come into range. When the Phoenix gets near you, click and hold to build up energy in the Laser Lance.

Shoot at the Phoenix in this manner until you defeat it You will appear in the spaceship. Click launch Space Head down and to the right until you see a message that says "Space Sharks Ahead Shoot a space shark and it will chase you. Shoot another one, and then the third, until all three are following you.

Let them stay close and head directly up until you see a message that says "Approaching Black Hole". The black hole is at X-85 Y-47. Once you see the black hole, veer and go around it.

The space sharks will be sucked in If you take only one or two, deal with the other sharks in this same manner. Land on the ice planet Ice Planet Jump on the ice and jump to the right, being careful not to land in the water or get hit by fish. Continue right.(There are seven icebergs that you have to jump on.) Talk to the knight and get the Force Shield from him This is by far the easiest boss to defeat- just bounce his own projectiles back at the yellow lights on his body.(Only the snowballs will work) Once you defeat it, you will appear back in the spaceship.

Press launch Space Head up and around the black hole. Head for 83, 20- the final planet we have to go to Fire Planet Jump on the platform to your right- you may have to wait until it sinks down. Repeat this process until you get to the fourth platform.

Wait until the platform to your right sinks down, then jump over it and hopefully land on the last platform. If you miss, just go back to the start and try again.(* Alternately, jump to the 5th platform, and you can easily jump to the 6th when they are both moving downward ) Once you land successfully on the last platform, wait until it gets to its highest point and enter the volcano You will quickly notice that there is a stream of hot air that pushes you back. However, there is a break of 3 or 4 seconds when you can run.

Just follow the passageway and duck into the nearest nook before it blows again Eventually, you will drop into a place where there is no current. There is a guardian, though. Just wait until it rolls into a ball heading towards you and jump over it.

It might take a few tries Talk to the knight and get the Ice Arrow Continue to the left Immediately jump on the chain in front of you and climb up. Swing to the next chain, and continue left until you are behind the dragon Avoid the spikey mace tail thing, and jump up to the lever. Pull the lever, it should make the dragon go to sleep then jump forward and shoot the arrow into the dragon's mouth.

Repeat two more times You will appear in your spaceship. Press Launch Space According to the knights, there is an asteroid with a key on it.So your first course of action would be to search all over for a really big asteroid. But, since you are using this walkthrough, you can cheat.

Just head for X- 11, Y-83 Try to avoid the asteroids and the ferocious alien shooters- they will wear down your shield Giant Asteroid Make your way up to the key Pull it out, since you are The Chosen One, and enter the portal that appears Mordred's castle Drop down to the ground and talk to the princess. Give her the Laser Lance the Force Shield and the Ice Arrow Oh no! It wasn't the princess after all!

Solve the puzzle on the door and follow him through.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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