C-Walking, Break-dancing, Krump Dancing, and Hip-Hop dancing are all modern forms of dance associated with the Hip-Hop culture. They can be seen performed on music videos, in dance studios, on the street corner, at a club and in living-rooms across the world. What does it take to become a professional Hip-Hop Dancer?
Step 1 Commitment: as with any serious undertaking, the pursuit of dancing as a profession will require an investment in time, energy and money (aka blood, sweat and tears). To reach this goal you will have to have a level of dedication that can overcome set-backs and frustration. Becoming a Hip-Hop Dancer is a relatively easy goal to achieve.
There are millions of Hip-Hop dancers in living-rooms across the world, but becoming a PROFESSIONAL Hip-Hip Dancer will require a much higher level of dedication. Step 2 jQuery(document). Ready(function(){ jQuery('#jsArticleStep2 span.
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