How Do You Block A Phone Number From Calling Your Mobile Phone Number?

Never erase the number, so you know the id. Just ignore.

Some mobile numbers offer to block unwanted numbers in mobile phone settings or some mobile networks also offer services to block calls or sms from such unwanted numbers.

Well it depends on the type of phone you have. I'm certain that Android phones/Iphones have that feature. IEon android phones:1.

Go to contacts2. Select the person you want to block3. Select "Send to voicemail"Thats one way.

There are also dozens of applications on the android market and the appstore for iphone that will do that for you.

Some Samsung phones allow you to block certain numbers from calling or texting from the menu on your handset, this was a very handy feature I now miss on my new phone. Apart from that you could set a silent ringtone specifically for these numbers you want to avoid.

According to Verizon (my carrier) you can only block a few numbers, I think they said 5. You have to log in to your account online, then go to your settings, and you will find a place to fill in phone numbers. Last I checked, I think they actually allowed up to 10 or 15 numbers.

The problem is that you have to do this every month or so. It is a big pain. I use my cell for business so I get a lot of spam/sales calls.It seems an inefficient way to serve their customers.

Also, another thing you can do is list your number with the national do not call list. You can google it and do it online. Sadly, I have done this, and it hasn't really helped that much.

Call your service provider or Set Call divert.

To block certain number or text messages simply add family allowances to your account. It lets you block certain numbers from calling and texting.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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