How do you charge customers for the Windows Azure AppFabric?

Windows Azure AppFabric usage is charged separately for each component, Services Bus and Access Control. AppFabric Service Bus costs $3.99 per Connection-month on a consumption (pay-as-you-go) individual basis, plus the associated Windows Azure platform data transfer at a price of $0.10/GB for ingress and $0.15 for egress. Or, if you are able to forecast your needs ahead of time, you can purchase “Packs�

Of Connections. For example: $9.95 for a pack of 5 Connections, $49.75 for a pack of 25, $199.00 for a pack of 100, or $995 for a pack of 500, plus data transfer charges. Connection Packs represent an effective rate of $1.99 per Connection-month.

If you have purchased an offer that includes a specific connection pack size, you must use the same size connection pack for it to count against the amount included with your offer. For example, our MSDN offer includes a pack of 5 connections. If you provision a different size connection pack (e.g. , a pack of 25) than what is included with ... more.

Windows Azure platform AppFabric usage is charged separately for each component, Services Bus and Access Control. AppFabric Service Bus costs $3.99 per Connection-month on a consumption (pay-as-you-go) individual basis, plus the associated Windows Azure platform data transfer at a price of $0.10/GB for ingress and $0.15 for egress. Or, if you are able to forecast your needs ahead of time, you can purchase “Packs�

Of Connections. For example: $9.95 for a pack of 5 Connections, $49.75 for a pack of 25, $199.00 for a pack of 100, or $995 for a pack of 500, plus data transfer charges. Connection Packs represent an effective rate of $1.99 per Connection-month.

AppFabric Access Control will be priced at $1.99 per 100,000 Transactions, which includes token requests and management operations, plus associated data transfer. Typically, Service Bus developers depend on Access Control to secure their Connections. More.

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