How Do You Enjoy An Outdoor Concert In Kenosha, Wisconsin?

Relaxing while listening to live music surrounded by nature can't be beat for summer fun. Kenosha, Wisconsin, offers two free outdoor music events every summer. Here are tips for enjoying an outdoor concert in Kenosha this summer.

Gather information. See Resources below for the Kenosha Visitors Bureau Web site. Or type in "Kenosha Pops Concert" or "Peanut Butter Jam," free outdoor concerts, in any search engine to find music events in Kenosha.

Choose the concert that fits your tastes and your schedule. There is a concert every Wednesday, June through August. Clear your calendar for the event you've chosen.

The Pops Concert and Peanut Butter Jam do not require tickets. For other events, check the Web site for specific ticket information. Gather together any clothes or food you'll want on hand for the concert.

Seating is not provided at the Pops Concert, so you may want to bring a blanket or cushion. Check the weather in Kenosha before the concert to make sure you are dressed ... more.

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