How do you find the Stone of Dreams on poptropica Wizards of Waverly Place?

The "Wizards of Waverly Place" is an advertising mini-game appearing on all the islands of Poptropica during late August, 2009. It is based on the Disney Channel TV series of the same name, which produced a TV movie airing August 28, 2009 The object is to recover the Stone of Dreams an artifact which is also sought in the TV movie. Here's the guide: Go on any main street Go right until you see a pile of rocks with a girl next to it.

Talk to her and then go inside Go to the right. You will see a boy there. Click on him and he will ask you which wand to choose.It doesn't matter which one you choose Go right of the boy and go out the opening You will see a spider bouncing up and down.

Avoid them, because they willl knock you to the ground When you are past the spider, click on the glowing vine. It is curled up. Actually its sparkling A vine will grow up.

Climb up it Step left on top of the tree top. Make sure you do not get touched by a spider or you will fall back to the ground Jump up and right to another treetop. Jump across until you get to a grassy slope Climb to the top.

Go right Click on the rock pile that is sparkling. They will make a path in front of you. Go across it, jumping from rock to rock Enter the cave to the right Go right until you are blocked by a pillar.

Click on it and it will lift. Go to the right and down the rocks past the spider Click on the next pillar and it will sink Jump on top of it and jump up again, to the right. Go right, avoiding the spiders Continue to go right until you see a purple gem.

Jump up and get it. This is the fabled Stone of Dreams! The cave will shake and the ceiling will start to crumble.

The prompt "RUN! " is displayed.(Although you don't have to.) When you get outside, run to the path and jump across. Don't worry if one of the stones falls, because spider webs will catch you and you can jump to the right, and then climb up the ledge When you get to the other side, go left Jump down.

You can fall to the ground now, it doesn't matter Get back to the entrance and go inside.(to the left) Give the Stone of Dreams to the guy You will get a "family spell book" and "family wand Congratulations! You have finished the mission!

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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