The best way to get your kids to play outside is to go out and play with them, they will follow your lead and once they see how much fun they can have, they will likely forget about the video games. My son used to play video games all of the time until I made a point to take him outside for at least one hour each day, now I can't keep him in the house. If you want your child to take part in after school activities, that is great, you should offer it to them, but don't expect them to take part.
Being forced into it takes all of the fun out. You also have to remember that certain kids like to take part in these activities and other kids would rather find something else to do. If you find something your child is interested in, nurture it and make them feel proud.It doesn't have to be football, it could be an art class once a week.
As long as they enjoy the activity, you shouldn't have to work to get them involved.
One way I would suggest is by first making sure you yourself are not a couch potato worse still a video game junkie. Secondly, Take all weather hikes. I do this with my kids.
Begin by making it mandatory for them to accompany you to go hiking in your local hike trails. Don't miss it no-matter what. Expose the children to all weather hikes.
Have snow-suits and rain boots and all the necessary equipment. This is because if you fall into the habit of giving excuses why we you have to miss the weekly hike at the appointed time because it is raining you will never get into the habit. Nature is intoxicating and once your children go out regularly, there is so much to see and learn.
Let them explore, let them lag behind don't make it like a chore. Don't try to explain everything, just answer what is asked. Let them see and take it all in in the winter, fall, spring and summer.It is always changing and they will get hooked.
Before you know it, they will always choose the outdoors given the choice. I have four kids and I have done this since they were small. If you have non-walkers, A jogging stroller is your best friend.
It goes over all terrain.
For one, you have to be the parent. Set limits on video games. There are timers and control software for the computer if you can't be right there to enforce it.
Make sure you have fun things to do outside. Most of my kids' friends love my kids' pogo sticks, for example. I know, they sound so Leave it to Beaver, but they love them!
Hula hoops, ankle hoppers, bikes, lawn darts, sidewalk chalk, water toys in the summer, giant bubble equipment and toy gliders are all things my kids love, and so do all their neighborhood friends. When they were little, they also loved things like sandboxes. They won't admit it now but they still play in the sandbox with their preschool-aged sister!
Kids also play outside more when they have more imagination. Give them fun books like Beginning Pirates' Handbook from Usborne Publishing is great. Stories are great.
Then give them the tools. My husband made our kids toy "swords" out of PVC pipe, padding, and duct tape. Every single kid on the block then got their dads to make them, too.
You can't go outside now without hearing someone yelling "Me hearties" or "Storm the castle! ".
I got my oldest a series of Harry Potter science kids a couple of years ago off of eBay. They're messy, so he does them outside. There are books called Backyard Science that are great, and a series of Science Activity books from Usborne, one of which is Science and the Weather.
All interesting and good, and you can legitimately say "Outside! That's going to make a mess! "
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.