You can easily transform a bandana into a cute wristband. It's nice that there are so many patterns and colors to choose from these days. However, the traditional navy or red bandana seems to go with any pair of casual jeans.
To dress up your outfit, choose a coordinating colored bandana and attach a fancy pin to the top of the wristband. This simple project will take only minutes to complete, but is easier if you have someone to help you do it. Fold your bandana in half, making a triangle.
Pull the bottom tip up and make a 2-inch fold. Continue folding the same length until you reach the long end of the triangle, making a strip. Place the bandana strip on the underside of your wrist.
Have someone help by pulling the bandana up to the top of your wrist and criss-cross it. Bring the bandana ends to the under side of your wrist and tie a square not (or tie it twice). Pin a decorative pin over the top of your wrist where the bandana criss-crosses.
You might need that extra pair of hands ... more.
Those big bandanna cuff bracelets you see on men and women are easy to make. You can create a bandanna bracelet in five minutes, and have a great casual look. In fact, you can use any handkerchief or cloth square to make a fashionable fabric cuff for your wrist.
When your bandanna bracelet becomes soiled, you can pop it in the washer, and start fresh the next time you want to wear it. Spread your bandanna out on a flat surface. Fold the bandanna in half as a triangle.
Start with the tip of the triangle and begin making tight folds lengthwise. You should end up with a long narrow strip of folded fabric. Leave an inch of the folded bandanna loose on the underside of your wrist, and wrap the rest of it tightly around your wrist again and again until there is just enough left on the end to tie to the loose strip on the other end.
Tie the ends together in a knot and poke the tails inside the fabric cuff. More.
Making a bandana headband is a great idea for a variety of reasons. Aside from its place as an accessory in the fashion world (adaptable to a number of different styles for both men and women), the bandana headband may also be use to keep sweat from dripping on the face, keep hair back, or to shade the head from getting too much sun. Follow the steps below to make your own bandana headband.
Step 1 jQuery(document). Ready(function(){ jQuery('#jsArticleStep1 span. Image a:first').
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Ready(function(){ jQuery('# ... more.
This simple, inexpensive craft uses an ordinary cotton bandana to create a small purse with 3 separate pockets. Grab a handful of bandanas and whip up a bag to complement any outfit. Stock up on bandanas, ribbons, embroidery floss, buttons, lace and sewing supplies and invite friends for a Bandana Purse Party.
Lay the bandana on a flat surface. Fold it in half lengthwise and then fold it again in half across the width so that you have a square that is 4 layers thick. Turn the square so that the folded edge is at the bottom.
Use matching thread and sew by hand on or with machine up the 2 sides of the square. Stitch close to the edge allowing a 1/8 inch allowance. Use a contrasting thread for more interest.
Leave the top open to access all 3 sections. Whip stitch up the sides of the purse with matching or contrasting embroidering thread for decoration. Use at least 3 strands of floss and an appropriate needle.
Attach a length of grosgrain ribbon or webbing for a handle or shoulder ... more.
Bandana quilts have been a quilter's staple for some time. The colorful, pieced together look of many bandanas sewn into a quilted pattern is always a treat to see. Whether making these artistic quilts for family or friends, these are heirloom items that will be treasured for years.
Acquire a sufficient number of bandanas for the project size. Cut the bandanas into the size and shape called for in the pattern. Double the number of bandanas if this will be a reversible bandana quilt.
Cut an equal number of quilt backing material the same size as the bandanas. Sew the bandanas together, either seam allowance side out for a more ragged look or together right side in for a finished appearance. Use a walking foot on the sewing machine to better feed the material through the sewing process.
This will help keep the layers from shifting. Place a bandana right side down on a table. Put a piece of the backing material down on top of that.
Finish by placing a final bandana right side up on top ... more.
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