Most of us are concerned with saving energy dollars and have found sometimes going back to the basics is a great place to start. It's good for the budget and it's good for the Earth. Drying clothes on a clothesline will save money.
Basic sewing skills and a few inexpensive items are all it takes to make a handy clothespin bag. Step 1 jQuery(document). Ready(function(){ jQuery('#jsArticleStep1 span.
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Out of cardboard, cut a piece that is 14" long x 12" wide. To make the opening part of the clothespin bag, mark the top of cardboard exactly in the center and make a mark 1 1/4" to the left and right of center. Make another mark from center top and go straight down 7 1/2".
Finish the opening shape by drawing curved lines from each of the marks to the right and left of center top, so you end up at the 7 1/2" ... more.
Clothespin dolls are inexpensive and fun to make. They can be dressed for any occasion and can even be made into ornaments. Here's how to make them.
Be sure that your clothes pin is the type that is carved out of a single piece of wood, not separate pieces held together by a spring. Cut off the curved ends with the saw, so that the clothes pin can stand up. The round knob will be the head, the split ends will be the legs, and the arms will stick out of the wooden area just below the "head."
Drill a 1/16-bit hole below the round knob and above the split. This is where the arms will be positioned. Insert the floral wire into the drilled hole, so that the clothes pin is in the middle with equal lengths of wire on each side.
On each side, about two inches from the clothes pin, bend the wire back. Leaving a small loop for a "hand," wrap the remaining wire around and around the "arm," until you reach the clothes pin. Insert the remaining end into the drilled hole, trimming if necessary.
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This might just be your new best friend. You can hold papers this way, or anything else that allows you to see it every day! €¢ Get a slotted round wooden clothespin.
€¢ Get regular paint. Acrylic is best, but watercolor will do. €¢ Using a thin brush, paint around the base of the ball on top, but not ON the ball.
This will be your collar. €¢ Paint the rest of the top half of the clothespin, but not on the ball, either the same color as your collar or another color, it doesn't matter. Leave 1 centimeter above where the wood splits.
Leaving this gap is very important. Now you have a shirt. €¢ Choose either pants, capris, or shorts for the bottom half of your clothespin.
Decide on a length that suits you, but leave room for shoes if you intend to make them. €¢ Paint your pants. Use a pen (only use pen for this specific step) to make a zipper or button, if you want one.
€¢ Use a pen or very thin paint brush to carefully paint face and hair. Always do this step last. Touch up any smudged spots, ... more.
Children and adults love to make Christmas crafts together. The clothespin snowman ornament is wonderful for children to work on because the concept is simple, and it is a safe and creative craft. Share in your children's Christmas spirit by learning how to make a clothespin snowman.
Determine how many wooden clothespins you need. Paint each clothespin white and set it aside to dry. Get a package of small, wooden spools used for crafts.
Remove one spool for each clothespin you have painted. Paint the wooden spools black. Glue a small square of black felt to the top of the clothespin.
This forms the brim of the snowman's hat. Take a painted spool and glue it to the felt, to finish the snowman's hat. Take a 3-inch piece of red yarn, and a 3-inch piece of green yarn, and twist them together.
Wrap the yarn around the clothespin where the round top meets the long piece to create the snowman's scarf. Use a medium-point black felt marker to draw a face and button dots on the snowman. Obtain ... more.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.