No-sew fleece blankets are great to give as gifts, and easy to make. Here's how: How to Make a No-Sew Fleece Blanket Step 1 Lay the two pieces of fleece out of your work surface--one on top of the other and with right sides facing out. Step 2 Pin together, staying at least four inches away from the edge.
Step 3 Then, cut off the selvage edges or the whip-stitched edges (if you're using ready-made blankets) Step 4 Cut a four-inch square from each corner. Step 5 Now, cut four-inch long strips all the way around the blanket, leaving an inch between cuts. Step 6 Tie the strips from the top piece of fleece to the matching strips from the bottom piece of fleece to create a fringed edge.
Your blanket is now complete! More.
Blankets are a favorite gift for a new baby. Hand-crafted blankets are especially treasured. You don't need to have any sewing skills to create an adorable baby blanket for a friend's baby or your own.
With the right fabric and a pair of scissors, you can make a soft, cuddly blanket for a special baby today. Go to a fabric store and pick out a fleece fabric in a color and design appropriate for a baby blanket. Have a store employee cut the fabric into a 1-yard length.
Wash the fabric with cold water on gentle cycle, or hand wash. Use a detergent specially formulated for babies skin. Lay fabric flat to dry.
Spread fabric out on a large flat surface. Turn one of the shorter ends towards you and smooth out any wrinkles. Cut a fringe along one short side by making 3-inch deep straight cuts about a 1/2-inch apart.
Tie a single knot at the base of each cut strip to complete the fringe along one side of the blanket. Turn the fleece to the other short side and smooth out the wrinkles. Make ... more.
So you want to make a cotton blanket, but you don't know how to sew and don't own a sewing machine. Don't give up on the project, because you will still be able to do it without sewing skills or a sewing machine. You just need a few items and the skills to cut a straight line and operate an iron.
Decide what size you want your blanket to be. Write down the measurements so you'll have them ready when you purchase your fabric. Size doesn't matter when it comes to this process.
You can make anything from a smaller baby blanket, to a blanket big enough to cover yourself in. If you plan on using a ribbon edging on the blanket, you'll also need to know the width and length of the fabric, so you'll be able to purchase enough ribbing material. Purchase your fabric at a local fabric store.
They should have all the items you'll need to make your cotton blanket. Besides the fabric, you'll need 2- to 3-inch-wide ribbon, if you plan on using it, and a package of fusible adhesive. Depending on how ... more.
You can change the design and color of your pillows in minutes with these easy instructions on creating a no-sew fleece pillow. Also a fun kid's craft! Step 1 jQuery(document).
Ready(function(){ jQuery('#jsArticleStep1 span. Image a:first'). Attr('href','
Step 2 jQuery(document). Ready(function(){ jQuery('#jsArticleStep2 span. Image a:first').
Be sure to start and end 2 ½ inches from each side. Step 3 jQuery(document). Ready(function(){ jQuery('#jsArticleStep3 span.
Image a:first'). Attr( ... more.
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