Chiles rellenos are stuffed peppers, a wonderful and delicious Mexican dish. While the recipe is a bit complex, the finished product is well worth the effort. Here is the process of making chiles rellenos, step by step.
Step 1 Understand the whole process. To make chiles rellenos, there are four basic steps: roast the peppers, prepare the stuffing, prepare the batter and stuff and fry the peppers. Step 2 Roast the peppers.
Begin by roasting the peppers under a broiler or over an open gas flame until they have evenly charred or blistered skins (about 4 minutes). Set the peppers aside to cool and begin making the stuffing. Step 3 jQuery(document).
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Coarsely chop the onion and tomato and cook in a large saucepan for ten minutes. Add the ground meat and brown it, breaking up clumps of meat as you go. Step ... more.
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