How do you play X-Men vs Street Fighter?

It's actually a pretty simple fighting game. First pick two characters out of the 17 characters available. (If you're just now starting, try using Akuma and Cyclops) Then you're put right into a fight.

You usually fight a combination that involves Rogue, Chun-Li, or Cammy Now fighting here is simple, use your six attack buttons (light, medium, hard for kicking and punching) in a certain order to create a good combo. For an aerial combo, try ducking and using an attack that results in an uppercut propelling your opponent into the air, jump up to your opponent, and start hitting him/her. Depending on what attacks you use result in how long your opponent stays in the aor Now for basic moves, special moves and super moves.

Most characters use QCF (quarter circle forward moves. Down, diagonal downright, forward, then punch or kick) or QCB (Quarter circle backwards) For instance, to use Ryu's hadouken, just use QCF+P (depending on which punch button you use determines how fast and strong it is and how your combo with a hadouken will work). One character, Charlie, uses charging moves.

Charge moves are where you go backward for 2-3 seconds and then a quick forward punch. Have Charlie use a charging move left and right, he will use Sonic Boom. Have him do a charging move down and up will make him do a flash kick Basic moves are simple.

Go backwards to block, forward+punch to grab (forward+punch if you're being grabbed to break the grab), tap joystick down then up to do a super jump, and double dap the joystick to dash. To switch teammates, just hold down hard punch and hard kick Super moves are done by QCF+PPP/KKK or QCB+PPP/KKK (PPP means all three punches , KKK means all three kicks) Once done, if your opponent isn't blocking, you will cause a massive amount of damage with a high number combo. To do a dual super move, just use QCF+Hard Punch+Hard Kick (its kinda hard to do this since you might accidentally switch teammates instead) There you have it, that's all you need to know to play X-men Vs Street Fighter.

Now get out there and fight.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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