How do You Say I Love You in Farsi?

To say I love you in Farsi you would say dusset daaram. I love you very much would be asheghetam. This is the same way you would say I love you in Dutch.

Doost is: love, like and also is the word for friend. Tora doost daram and tora doost midaram are not used as much but can still make sense in the right context. This Site Might Help You.

How do you say I love you in Persian? I've heard different ways but what means what? I'm writing a story about a Persian man and a Hispanic woman and I've come to a crosswords if you will with the "I love you" part.

I don't know which is the proper way for him to tell her I love you in the story. I've heard the following but I don't know what each means. Dooset daram is the common way to say I love you; I say it a lot to my husband.

Daram = I have, doost = friend, et= you (literally translated, makes no real sense though). Dooset daram means I love you. Tora doost daram/tora dust daram is a more official way, often used in letters/poetry.

I've never heard somebody saying: tora doost midaram, because it expresses the state of loving you at this present time, very grammatical. Asheghetam means I'm in love with you, I love you very much. It's stronger than dooset daram, more romantic.

I'm Dutch married to an Iranian man.

When you say "I love you" in Arabic, it is said differently to a male, then to a female. For a male it is: "Ana behibak", and "Ana behibek" for the female. You can find more information here:

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And the Saudi royal family to keep murderer/rapist imprisoned.

There are two different ways to say I love you in Chinese. In Cantonese Chinese, I love you is Ngo oi ney. In Mandarin Chinese, I love you is Wo ai ni.

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I love you in the French language is said as Je vous aime. French can be a very beautiful and difficult language to learn. If you are interested in learning French you may want to take some French classes at a local college.

(Continued from Page 2)They say that French is the language of love, so you'd better know how to say I love you! These step-by-step instructions will teach you how to say I love you in French. Find the person you love.

Say his or her name. T'aime is pronounced tem to rhyme with them. To a woman = ma chérie, pronounced ma shay ree.

There are a few ways to say I love you in Gaelic, because there is Scottish Gaelic and Irish Gaelic. To say I love you in Gaelic you would say Ta gra agam ort, or for Scottish Gaelic Tha gra\dh agam ort. You can find more information here:

So many people want to know how to say "I love you" in Irish! Beautiful language will mean so much more to the person you love. Poetry perfects the expressions of love from one person to another.

Should help you express that to your special somebody. Irish love expressed in songs and balads, in which you'll often here of unrequited love. Is tú mo ghrá is a more proper way to say I love you.

"Gráim thú" is not a traditional way of expressing it. "Mo chuisle" literally means "My pulse", but can mean "My love" or "My darling". It's an Irish term of endearment taken from the original phrase "A chuisle mo chroí", or "Pulse of my heart".

You could also say "Mo chuisle mo chroí", which would be "My pulse of my heart".

Love is Liebe. I learned this listening to and old song called Da Da Da. I don't remeber the name of the band or group but I learned they were saying I love you in German.It is spoken Ich liebe dich.

(Ishk labay dick).

Ich liebe dich. Ikh leebeh dikhI love you (informal, romantic? And singular)2.

Ich liebe euch. Ikh leebeh oykhI love you (plural)3. Ich liebe Sie.

I love you HELP US MAKE THIS SITE BETTERPlease, take a survey and help us make a better site for you. Guide to German love phrasesQ: How to say You should spend more money on me. A: Du solltest mehr Geld für mich ausgeben.

Alphabet (human translation) Q: How to say Do you want to be massaged? A: Willst du massiert werden? Wilst doo mah-seert vehr-den (human translation) Q: How to say I am just calling to say I love you.

A: Ich rufe nur an um dir zu sagen, dass ich dich liebe. Eekh roo-feh noor ahn deer tsoo zah-gen dahs eekh deekh lee-beh (human translation) Related phrasesI love attention from men. They say love is blind.

Better to be hated for who you are than loved for who you're not. Nothing is as precious as love. I'll always love you, no matter what happens.

What a lovely day it is! Everybody loves music. I love this lingerie.

Declare one's love. Isn't it a lovely morning? I love lasagna.

You are the great love of my life. I am just calling to say I love you. I love to cuddle.

Life without love is just totally pointless. I love trips. Did you ever love anyone?

There are two ways to say I love you in Greek, you could say s' agapo, or for old Greek you could say Ego philo su, or just philo su. Ego is used for emphasis. You can find more information here:

The way to say "I love you" in Hawaiian is Aloha Au Ia` oe. Pronounced: (a-lo-ha vow e-a o-weh). There are other ways to say things that show affection.

Such as, Aloha No Au Ia `Oe, meaning "I truly love you. Also, Aloha Nui Loa, meaning "All my love".

There are two proper ways to say I love you in Hebrew. For a man saying it to a woman, it is ani ohev otach. For a woman saying it to a man, it is ohevet Otach.

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There are a few different ways and assuming you have some knowledge of the language here is a few translations. Graim thu pronounced graw-im hooGraim thu pronounced graa-im hooIs tu mo ghra pronounced Iss two muh guhrawHope this helps you.

Given our attachment to this ancient language of Ireland, there's no wonder that so many people want to know how to say "I love you" in Irish! Saying it in this beautiful language will mean so much more to the person you love. Much Irish language poetry perfects the expressions of love from one person to another.

If you look wider at the country's culture, you will also find Irish love expressed in songs and balads, in which you'll often here of unrequited love. Is tú mo ghrá is a more proper way to say I love you. "Gráim thú" is not a traditional way of expressing it.

"Mo chuisle" literally means "My pulse", but can mean "My love" or "My darling". It's an Irish term of endearment taken from the original phrase "A chuisle mo chroí", or "Pulse of my heart". You could also say "Mo chuisle mo chroí", which would be "My pulse of my heart".

When speaking directly to the person, use "A chuisle". When speaking about them say "Mo chuisle". The movie Million Dollar Baby incorrectly spells "Mo chuisle" as "Mo cuishle".

Irish word for love. Will you marry me? An bpósfaidh tú mé?

Have you ever considered learning to speak Irish Gaelic? Learn to speak the ancient Celtic language Our online bitesize lessons learning program will help you master the language. If you learn by listening and practicing, this is for you.

To say I Love You in Italian, it would vary depending on who you are actually saying it to. If you're saying it to your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, or wife, it would be Ti amo. However, this is only for a romance relationship.

Italian is the language for lovers and the mother tongue of the renowned seducer Casanova. Learn how to whisper sweet nothings to your sweetheart in Italian! Difficulty: EasyTime Required: EternityHere's How:Find that special someone.

Create the right romantic atmosphere. Whisper these phrases into your lover's ear:Ti penso sempre—I always think of you. Mi manchi—I miss you.

Come sei bella—How beautiful you are.

It's easy to say I love you in Japanese. Watashi wa, anata wo aishi te I masu would be I love you. Watashi wa hij?

Ni anata wo aishi would be I love you very much.

You can say I love you in Korean by saying sarang hae. This is used mostly for a couple love, such as husband and wife, or boyfriend and girlfriend.

Some say that French is the language of love. To tell your loved one "I Love You" in French simply say "Je t'aime". To say "I Love You Very Much" you can say "Je t'aime beaucoup".

To pronounce "Je t'aime" say it like this: Jah-tEM. The Jah sounds similar to the g in protégé. Saying "I Love You" in Italian to your sweetheart is as easy as saying "Ti Amo".

If you want to tell your parents or children "I Love You" in Italian it is actually translated differently as "Ti voglio bene". To pronounce "Ti Amo" say it like this: Tee-Ah-Mo. "Ti voglio bene" is pronounced as Tee-Voh-Lee-Oh-Ben-Ney.

I spent almost four years living in Germany while serving in the U.S. Army. One of the first phrases in German that I learned was "Ich Liebe Dich" which translates to "I Love You". To pronounce "Ich Liebe Dich" say it like this: Ick-Lee-Bah-Dik.

It is my understanding that in other areas of Germany it is actually pronounced Ish-Lee-Bah-Dish. The first pronunciation is the one that I had learned while living in a small town called Ansbach. This one I have had a lot of practice saying.

My wonderful Mom is Korean and grew up in the countryside of Korea as a child. To say "I Love You" in Korean you would say "Saranghayo". While there are websites that mention different ways of saying "I Love You" in Korean, this is the one and only version that my family uses.

To pronounce "Saranghayo" say it like this: Sah-Rong-Hay-Yo. Apparently saying "I Love You" in Japanese is much more complicated. You will find many versions of a simple "I Love You" for the Japanese language.

Oddly enough, the Japanese culture does not use this phrase frequently, some have never used the expression in their lifetime. One of the most common ways to say "I Love You" to someone in Japanese is "Aishiteru". To pronounce "Aishiteru" say it like this: Eye-Shee-Ter-U.

One alternative way to say "I Love You" in Japanese is "Aishite Imasu" pronounced Eye-Shee-Tey-Mas. Having spent two weeks in Albania this one is a bit more personable to me as well. To say "I Love You" in Albanian simply tell your sweetheart "Te Dua".

To pronounce "Te Dua" say it like this: Tay-Due-Ah. The Dutch language can sometimes be difficult to pronounce. Saying "I Love You" to your sweetheart in Dutch is sure to impress him/her.

To Say "I Love You" in Dutch you would say "Ik Hou Van Jou". To pronounce it say it as it appears: Ick-How-Van-Jow. If you wish to tell someone you love them in Chinese you can try this Mandarin version, "Wo Ie Ni".

There are also other versions of "I Love You" such as "Wo Oi Ney" which is the Cantonese version. To pronounce "Wo Ie Ni" say it like this: woah-eye-nigh. To pronounce "Wo Oi Ney" you would say: woah-oi-neigh.

In Greek the translation of "I Love You" becomes "S' Agapo". Apparently this form of saying "I Love You" is pronounced exactly as it appears, making it an easy one to pronounce to your sweetheart. If you'd rather tell someone "I Like You" in Greek you would instead say "Mou Aresis".

It may seem silly that I include the English way of saying "I Love You", but it seems that many people have a hard time saying it. If you love someone you should tell them. If you are thinking of telling your sweetheart that you love them for the first time then say it in plain English "I Love You".

Now you know ten different ways for saying "I Love You". It may be fun to include these different versions of "I Love You" in your Valentine's Card, Anniversary Card, or in your proposal speech. Just make sure to say them often and say them with meaning.

Saying I love you in any language can be wonderful and frightening all at the same time. What better way to let someone know you care by saying I love you. If you say it in another language makes it just more romantic doesn't it.

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If you would like to know how to say "I love you" to someone in the Polish language from the English language, all you would say is "Kocham cie! " That's it!

Learn to say three romantic phrases in Polish, such as "I love you", "You love me", and "We love each other". When it comes to learning key phrases in different languages, nothing beats good old fashioned repetition. Speak the phrases one at a time, one after the other.

Eu te amo means I love you in Portugese. If you would like to hear what it sounds like just look online. Type Speak I Love You in Portugese.

Chocolate was eaten, dances were danced, and ”I love you” was said in many different languages. Although we are sad Valentine’s Day is gone, we are, however, very excited to announce the three winners of our Valentine’s Day Notebook Contest. All contest winners will be receiving 20 USD of italki language lesson credits (200 ITC).

There is no way to say it and you get the experience. Go online and hear it being said so that you can gather how they would say it. It sounds like "yeah t bear lu blue."

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I love you is a very special phrase but is often said so much that it becomes less meaningful. You can surprise your loved ones by saying I love you in many different languages. For example, to say I love you in Samoan, you would say Ou te alofa ia te oe.

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Organize and share the things you love. The only thing scary enough to keep the dog off of the couch. LET ME IN.

In Spanish, if you are telling your parent, friend, sibling, or other relative that you love them, you would say 'te quiero. ' When expressing love to your spouse or lover, you would say 'te amo.

Araspace: Literally te quiero means "I want you," but how it is intended depends on the look in their eyes when they say it! Aligoam: As many other have already explained, te quiero in Spanish, though meaning literally "I want you" translates as "I love you" and it is for family but also for love. We make no differences.

I say te quiero to my daughter, but I also say te quiero to my husband. Te amo, though it means literally "I love you," is more rarely used. I would say, only when you're feeling specially romantic.

I could translate "I want you" to Spanish in several ways, but I think the best one could be te quiero para mí or even quiero que seas mío-a. Of course, when using it to communicate sexual desire, you can also translate it as Te deseo. Camicat: Language must always be interpreted according to context i.

To say I love you in Swahili, a person says ninakupenda. If a person wants to say hello, they would say habari. To say good morning in Swahili is habari ya asubuhi.

Learning to say "I love you" in any language is a sweet notion. In Swedish, you would say "jag alskar dig". Now, doesn't that sound sweet?

Lil Wayne may have taught us how to love, but Robyn's teaching us how to say the three most meaningful words of all. No, not "your pizza's here." "I love you," silly! Before tonight's O Music Awards 2, where Robyn will headline the live online award show with one of her otherworldly, intergalactic dance-pop performances -- seriously, if you know of another living artist who can so flawlessly create swirling, swelling electronic dance music about the humanity of lost love that actually mimics the sound of human heartbreak the way Robyn does, then tell us how life is in space, because there's not a soul on this planet who does heartbreak dance music the way Robyn does -- we wanted you to better get to know more about the diminutive Swedish dance floor assassin.

We sat down with Robyn, who taught us a few helpful phrases in her native Swedish. They ended up being extremely helpful phrases -- "I love you" and "yummy" -- since we REALLY love Robyn, and we REALLY love to eat. "Prince is always gonna be my No.

1 hero," Robyn said/ "He is something as rare as a male artist who never made me feel like an object as a woman even though he's always been very sexual," Robyn said of Prince. Watch Robyn teach you Swedish phrases you NEED to know and discuss her musical icons, and don't miss her live performance at the MTV O Music Awards TONIGHT at 11:30 p.m. ET/ 8:30 PT at

Watch more interviews with Robyn after the jump!

The English sentence, 'I love you' translated into Vietnamese is 'Toi yeu ban'. The sentence, 'I like you' in Vietnamese is 'Toi thich ban'.

Stress and the way you lower or higher your voice are two the most important thing when you speak Vietnamese. For example if you don't lower your voice when you say the word "b? N" it will turn into the other word such as bàn, bán .

In English , we only use I and You to talk with each other but in Vietnam it's different , the subject and the object( personal pronoun )we use are according to the age, the position and the relationship between you and the person you talk to.

You can say I love you in many different languages. I love you in Spanish would be Te amo, aishi te I masu would be Japanese and German is Ich liebe dich.

To say the phrase "I love you" in Spanish, it would translate to "Te quiero". Another fun Spanish phrase is "Usted es un buen amigo". Which translates to "You are a good friend" in English.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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