How Do You Use A Kitchenaid Dryer Drying Rack?

Tumble dryers are a great appliance for quickly drying clothes that are wet after washing. A common problem with dryers, however, is that it tumble drys the laundry, which may result in excessive wrinkling. In an effort to provide users with another option for drying their clothing, Kitchenaid offers drying racks with their clothes dryers.

The dryer racks provide a stable surface within the dryer, so your clothing does not tumble around the dryer drum. Extend the dryer rack support wire by pulling down on it. Insert the dryer rack.

The support wire will rest on the slot in the back of the dryer and the front of the rack rests over the lint filter. Press down on the rack to ensure it is secure within the dryer. Place the wet laundry on top of the rack allowing for space between each piece.

The space between the clothing will ensure proper air flow around all of the laundry. Close the dryer door and turn the cycle control knob to "Timed Dry" under "Manual." You cannot use automatic ... more.

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