The Tanita machine measures what is called electrical impedance. Measured in Ohms, the impedance value reflects how hard a mild electrical signal has to work to travel through the body. Lean mass (containing water and electrolytes) conducts the current, while fat mass acts as a resistor to the current.
Standing on the machine, a very mild electrical current is passed through the body and we measure how much resistance occurs. You cannot feel the current at all. Does the Tanita measure anything else?
Yes. From your Tanita measurement, we can also measure your hydration level. Hydration level is the amount of water you have in your body.
Having adequate water in your body, available for both metabolic functioning and other needs, is essential to good health. In addition to discussing your body composition with you, your nutritionist may also talk to you about your hydration level. Blood Pressure/Heart Rate The blood pressure machine will give us a reading of your blood pressure and ... more.
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