How exicting will next season of EPL be?

The Sabres have had an excellent offseason so far and done a lot to improve the team. I believe they can be a serious contender this coming season but are not yet at the stage where they can be considered one of the Stanley Cup favorites. The amazing thing is that they are not very far off.

Terry Pegula has kept to his word and is allowing his hockey people to go after the talent required to make Buffalo a legitimate Cup contender. This is a tectonic shift in how the Sabres operate and bodes well for the future. The acquisitions of Ehrhoff and Regehr solidified a defense corps that had some serious gaps.

Future star Tyler Myers and veteran Jordon Leopold will likely pair with these two new additions to form the top two pairings. But there is plenty of young talent behind them, especially the offensive-minded Marc-Andre Gragnani and the physical and more defensive-minded Mike Weber. Leino will play center on either the first or second line (a healthy Derek Roy will center the other).

They have strong, physical centers in Paul Gaustad and Cody McCormick (who was just extended this week) and lots of talent on the wing, most notably Thomas Vanek, Drew Stafford, Jason Pominville, Brad Boyes, Tyler Ennis and Nathan Gerbe. I still believe Buffalo is a star center away from Cup contention but it’s not inconceivable Regier will address this in a trade. Ryan Miller, backed up by the capable Jhonas Enroth, is one of the best goalies in the world and always gives Buffalo a chance in any playoff series.

A lot of why the Flyers came back and won that playoff series this past spring was because the Sabres D was not tough enough and allowed players to camp out in the slot and otherwise get in Miller’s face. That will change with guys like Myers (who’s developing a real nice mean streak to match his imposing size), Regehr and Weber clearing the slot. Ehrhoff is critically important in the transition game which should help in clearing the zone, something the Sabres failed miserably at doing against Philly.

It should also be mentioned that the Sabres have more young talent in their pipeline than most teams in the NHL. Luke Adam, Zack Kassian and Marcus Foligno are all big, strong forwards who love to hit and, in the case of Kassian and Foligno, have serious mean streaks and the pugilistic skills to back it up. As these younger players become regulars in the Sabres lineup, the real transition from goodness to greatness will be achieved.

Provided Miller stays healthy, I can honestly envision a Stanley Cup in Buffalo within three years.

Considering they pushed the Flyers to 7 games solely on their strong goaltending, I see no reason why they wouldn't again make the playoffs and push into the second round with the added defence of Regehr and Ehrhoff and offence of Lenio.

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