Here are some tips on how to prevent and treat ingrown hairs on your legs *Before you shave, it is good to exfoliate first. You can do this by using a gentle scrub to remove the dead skin on the legs. When you are done with scrubbing the legs, have a long and warm shower and shave you legs, the steam from the shower would soften the hairs on your legs and make it come off easily.
*When shaving your legs, make use of a clean blade or a new one if you can afford it. New blades always give a clean shave and are hygienically the best, while old blades can be dull and could store bacteria which might get into the hair follicles and cause an infection. *Don’t be in a hurry while shaving.
Take your time and let the blade glide smoothly through the legs. Do not add too much pressure and avoid running the blade continuously on the same area. *Always use a hydrating cream or lotion on the legs after a shave to help replace the lost moisture.
If you already have ingrown hairs, you can treat them by first disinfecting the affected area and applying a topical anti-inflammatory cream on it. This will help reduce the swelling. You can later apply an ingrown hair cream to take care of the hairs.
Hope this helps.
While doing some research, I found that an ingrown hair occurs when the hair isn't completely shaved off and it curls and grows into a nearby hair follicle. People with generally straight growing hair don't have as many issues with ingrown hairs. Switching to an electric razor may decrease the number of ingrown hairs.
The close cut from a blade may sharpen the end of the hair and make it easier to re-enter a hair follicle. The cut from an electric razor isn't as close, which can alleviate that problem. Before shaving, wash the skin to soften the hair and then when shaving move down the leg instead of up.
By shaving in the same direction, the hair gets trained to grow out straight and therefore won't grow back towards the skin.
There are several ways to prevent ingrown hairs. People of all races can develop ingrown hairs but African and those of Mediterranean heritage are especially susceptible to this. One way of avoiding ingrown hairs is to extend the time between shaves to allow body hairs to grow long enough to resist curling back into the skin.
So, instead of shaving every day, shave every other day to reduce the number of ingrown hairs. It is also best to shave with the grains instead of against it because shaving against the grain to achieve a closer cut can harm the follicles and cause ingrown hairs. The legs should then be shaved in a downward direction.
It is also important to moisturize the legs before shaving for this will help prevent ingrown hairs. After putting lotion on the legs, wait for about 5 minutes before shaving and don't stretch the skin while shaving. If the shaved hair happens to retract below the skin they may not grow out normally and become infected too.
Also avoid trimming hair below the skin for this can cause unsightly and painful ingrown hair or shaving bumps. It is advisable to trim hair legs to the surface level of the skin. This is sufficient enough for hygienic and aesthetic purposes.
Try not shaving your legs. Got to a waxing place for a little while until the hair coming in is softer.
There are some good suggestions above so I won't repeat what other contributors have said. One thing that can cause hair to ingrow is constant pressure from above. If you have a habit of wearing tight skirts or trousers, or wear clothes that are tight whilst you are sat, you might consider wearing something that allows greater freedom of movement.
Try one of the creams available that contain salicylic acid. This is a chemical exfoliant that many people have reported success with. Do not use astringents that contain alcohol or similar chemicals that will dry and tighten the skin.
You might consider using a depilatory cream cream rather than shaving. Shaving, by the very nature of it, leaves a sharp edge on the end of the hair that burrows easily into skin. Using hair removal creams should help avoid this.
If you prefer to shave then, after doing so, splash cold water on your skin to close your pores and use a moisturizing aftershave balm to keep the skin and hair soft. A regular massage with a moisturiser will help keep the skin supple and more easily breached by the growing hair. I have added a couple of sites that might be relevant.
Suffering from an ingrown nail in the foot is considered to be a very irritating and excruciating experience we experience. They say that this condition is passed on through family blood, other known culprit is the wrong cutting of nails and to add to this it turns out to cause a lot of punishment when this ingrown nails are pushed inside a constricted sandal or shoe. One of the suggested ways to avoid ingrown nails is to "trim your nails straight across the top -- NOT in a rounded shape.
In addition, avoid wearing shoes or socks that squeeze your toes together. If you do get an ingrown toenail, it may cure itself as the nail grows. In the meantime, you can relieve the pain with the steps that follow.
" As a final note, in case you are suffering from diabetes or "have poor circulation", I suggest you consult your physician.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.