Longhouses are long and narrow bark covered houses that the Haudenosuanee (People of the Longhouse), also known as the Iroquois,lived. Longhouses had two doors and no windows. Found A detailed description of how they built their dwelligs trough the websearch.
They are quoted below with ref for further info below. ----------quote----------- The longhouse is constructed using a wooden pole framework. Long poles are vertically set into the ground with the Y fork at the top (see fig 2).
These long poles are set to form a large rectangle that is spaced approximately 4 to 5 feet apart and stands 10 feet tall (see fig. 1). Poles are laid horizontally onto the top of the Y forked foundation and tied into place with wooden splints or rope made from slipper elm or bass wood fibers (see fig.3) To make the foundation strong, long poles are placed horizontally along the upright poles and tied into place (see fig.3).
Then bark shingles are tied into place on the upright pole framework using bark rope (see fig 5). The bark shingles are overlapped to keep the rain and snow from coming inside the finished longhouse (see fig.5). An outer framework of poles are placed over the bark shingles and tied together to finish off the construction of the longhouse.
This outer framework made the structure stronger and further secured the elm bark into place. The same technique is used to cover the roof. However, when covering the roof, a smoke hole directly over every fire pit within the longhouse is left open.
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