How can you tell if your ex wants you to ask her out again and if she still likes you if She touches and holds your hand and talks about the past and how should you get her back?

This young woman feels very secure in the fact that you just hang around her. You've split up, but there you still are and she doesn't even have to fight for your attentions. Both sexs (whether they want to admit it or not) can often play head games, and the more you can't have someone the more you want them.

Most people don't even realize they are doing it. It appears you are a security blanket for her so if things go wrong down the road with another guy, there you are, all cozy, secure and ready to pick her up and dust her off. My advice to you is ... make her work her booty off to get your attention back!

It sounds like she is interested in you so if you feel you need too, then ask her out and if she says no, then you know what I am saying is true. Don't allow someone else to play these games with you because you will end up being the one hurt. YOU are in control of your own life!

If she says no, then as much as it may hurt you, say "bye-bye, when you grow up, look me up. " Don't look back! Good luck Marcy.

The first thing that you say to your ex boyfriend is extremely important. If you say the wrong words, you will lose the chance to get your ex boyfriend back. Do not respond to your ex request for a breakup by crying and begging him to come back.

This will not work. You are just going to make him feel more irritated and drive him further away. You need to understand that even though he initiates the breakup, there is a good chance that he still harbors good feelings for you.

4Use the past to your advantage. If he's ever complimented your outfit, wear it again. Or, share a light-hearted memory with him.

If you have a chance to meet him, do it at a familiar place you used to hang out together. 5Listen carefully to his choice of words. He may say something unusual.

If he ever uses an unusual or uncommon word, casually slip it into the conversation again. This subconsciously tells him that he and you are similar due to exclusive and similar ways of talking. 6Find out if your ex still cares.

Before you start doing anything to try and win back your ex’s heart, you need to know for sure that he still cares or not. If he doesn’t and you are still desperate to get him back, then you need to know the most subtle ways to get him start to care, even the slightest. You will learn the most obvious clues on how to tell whether you still hold a special place in his heart or not.

Knowing if your ex still cares about you is the first most important clue and hint that things can still be mended. You should not start on anything before you are sure that your ex has some percentage of concern when it comes to you. That is simply your small but fast closing window.

7Casually ask if he'd like to do something non-committal, like have a drink with friends, play miniature golf, play tennis, etc. Something friends and first dates alike can do. And whatever it is, keep it fun. Skip out on the serious talks for now.

You'll have plenty of time to talk about that later. That's very threatening to a lot of guys.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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