On thing I can say is this...very mature to even ask such a question. I am 29 years old and let me tell you lol boys are a bit...uneasy to understand or interpret at times. Don't seem that you are desperate to be with him, but, show him that you want to be his girlfriend.
Also, don't let it be about sex so much. Why? You are still very young and what us women have, is the most precious thing that could be given to a man.
Take your time before doing certain things. Don't let him pressure to be his girlfriend only if you do something for him. So far, I think you are a very mature young lady.
And I wish you the best with this young man P.S. Keep us posted on how things go :).
I'm a girl, but I think you should wait an hour, and if he doesn't text you then you text him. But if he does text you before then, text back about 5-10 minutes later. Don't seem like you are sitting by your phone/computer just waiting for him to text you back.
Let's see I am a guy. When I text a girl I like I want them to text back right away. If the girl texts me, and I don't answer within an hour I like the girl to text again saying, " What's up?
Just text him he probaly won't care and im 13 to and my friend did not care and he is my boyfriend now.
Well let me start by saying that I am much older than you I am 39 but I just had to say something and I hope it helps you in some sort of way. It sounds like you are finding yourself in akward positions with this boy that can lead to places that you may not like in the end. Slow down and don't make this one boy the center of attention there are many boys in this big world.
Tying cherry stems and that sort of behavior will only start off any type of relationship with this boy with bad intentions. A girl your age shouldn't express such actions to a boy because in the end it will come to be expected. Pics of yourself just get sent arround to all the boys then they send it to all the boys they know and before you know it you become the laugh of the school or the world wide web.
Just slow down and be a kid. Relationships that have quality and merit are worth the wait. I hope this helps.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.