How Should Parents Discipline Their Children? Is Corporal Punishment A Form Of Child Abuse?

If used correctly, corporal punishment is not a form of child abuse, but the inherent danger is in losing control. I believe it should be used as a last resort when nothing else has worked. It should always be an option because children often will push to the limit unless they have a fear of the consequences.

Sometimes the unknown is more frightening than the known.

I believe corporal punishment can be taken to the extream and become abuse. But corporal punishment used in a loving way to direct the mental and emotionl growth of a wayward child toward the right direction, is absolutely not abuse. As Will Rogers said, (to paraphrase), you can tell the child not to touch the coffee pot, but touch it he will, untill after he experiences the pain from the hot coffee pot.

There are "coffee pots" all through a child's formative years, and beyond, into the teenage years, and on into early adulthood. If we simply let our children stumble there way through life, how can we expect them to be good, concerned, productive, kind people? There are consequences to the choices we make, and the actions we take.As surely as when it rains the ground gets wet.

Children must be taught the concept of consequences. If they do not learn this, it is to their own peril, and to socity's.So spat a hand before it reaches the scalding coffee pot. And show the child that you love him too much to let him burn himself badly!

Adults in today's society are more afraid of children than the other way around. This is because children have learnt that there are no real punishments when their behaviour extends beyond the boundaries permitted by society. As young children we learn right from wrong.

Unfortunately it is now the case that children believe they can grow up disrespecting others as this is seen as the norm and they are so often not taught otherwise.

Proverbs 23:13 Do not withhold discipline from a child;if you strike him with a rod, he will not die.14 If you strike him with the rod,you will save his soul from Sheol Hell.

I agree with most everyone on here with the exception of maybe 2. Every child is different. It's all about balance and being attentive and watchful of the type of child you have.

I have one sister who was mild and quiet by nature. She rarely got spanked. She didn't need it.

She was able to watch the mistakes of others and learn. My other sister was like talking to a brick wall and did what she pleased regardless. She obviously got a bit more.

That being said, all kids are not like that. Some are naturally headstrong and stubborn. Some just don't get the concept of consequences.

You may have to work with that one more. Nothing wrong at all with spanking as long as it is done with love -not venting your anger over the wrongdoing. If the parent has in mind that it is to teach not to take out stress as to their reason for spanking things will go fine.

You don't yell and be abusive. You discuss the situation, how many times they've been told not to do something and commence. Children know when it comes from love and when it doesn't.

Look at our children now vs. children from past years. I believe we need more corporal punishment back in our schools. The teachers can't teach for fear of students who abuse the authority of their parents, and now their grades are suffering, there are fewer good teachers left with a passion to teach, and the drop out rate for students are higher.

The respect factor for adults is lower, thus we have more crime and so on and so on. When I was growing up they would send a note home at the beginning of every year in grade school asking for parents to check the box (yes or no) in reference to kids getting paddled for misbehavior. Usually the parents checked yes, and the teacher and principle in witnessing the paddeling.

Needless to say our teachers had very few problems with us back then and we were taught what we needed to learn in school. Very few bullies existed and life seem to work better than it does today. I think there is a age limit in which this type of punishment because trying to inforce this with a teenager does not work.

You have to take something important away from a older child to seem to get your point across. But let none of us be fooled. Children don't do very well raising themselves, you have to take a stand and jump in their life now, while you can still make a difference.

Spear the rod and spoilt the children. But having said that, corporal punishment must be used sparingly. I had never use (yet) on my child and they are still doing fine.

We got to start teaching them right and the wrong from young Where as in my kids days, my mum do canned me very often. After a while I started to be immune to the pain and threats, so after that nothing can stop me from going astray anymore.

To answer the question, corporal punishment is not child abuse unless it's taken to extremes. It's one thing to leave a red behind, but quite another to leave bruises which last for weeks. When I was growing up, I always told myself that I'd never spank my kids.

Now that I'm older I see what I put my parents through. The unfortunate part is that if one actually does discipline their children with corporal punishment, someone will eventually call the police or Child Protective Services. Trust me when I say that even grabbing your child's hand a little rough is public is an invitation to having someone follow you home and call the police.

Yes, I believe that parents have the obligation and moral responsibity to discipline their children and to ensure that they provide appropriate guidance so that their children become a valuable asset to our society. However, I do not believe that corporal punishment is the answer to unrully children. I believe that love,understanding, lots of attention, friendship, and the modeling of good values and high standard principles are the key to successfully bring up children that will be the future generation of responsible adults and outstanding parents.

I think that corporal punishment is one form of child abuse. There is also verbal abuse and putting the children down with sarcastic remarks, using bad language, yeling, and demonstrating frustration to children when they are unable to differentiate from the parent's right to be upset and the parent's lack of patience. For me the keys to bringing a child into a responsible, polite, and well mannered adult are lots of love, lots of understanding, lots of friendship, and some serious and firm talk about following society's rules, which after all start at home and end at home.

Parents are the best role models. The easiest way to discipline children is to behave yourself:-). Very difficult , I know.

But that is the challenge. No form of punishment really works long term. Emotional abuse stays and shows up at a later date and corporal punishment, physical abuse invariably push the children away from home, may turn them into rebels.

Ensure that the child comes back to parents and know they are welcome and can unburden themselves.

Yes, I think so. Since the 1970's, more and more countries ban it.

As a parent of six not always so wonderful kids, I do believe that kids need a good old fashioned butt whooping once in a while! Unfortunately, the schools are now instilling it in our kids that any type of spanking is abusive. Yes, corporal punishment can get out of control when used incorrectly, but overall, getting a good old-fashioned rear-end spanking has never caused anyone that I know of to turn into a serial killer!

Just my opinion!

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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