How to fix this JQuery intellisense in Visual Studio 2008 problem?

Make sure you've got the corresponding vsdoc file sitting beside jquery-1.3.2. Js (in /js/ in your case here), and that it's properly named jquery-1.3.2-vsdoc. Js Also, while I don't think it's strictly necessary in your case, it generally can't hurt to have this hotfix installed: Finally, this is a helpful FAQ on Visual Studio JavaScript Intellisense, by Jeff King (the Program Manager in charge of tooling):

Make sure you've got the corresponding vsdoc file sitting beside jquery-1.3.2. Js (in /js/ in your case here), and that it's properly named jquery-1.3.2-vsdoc.js. Also, while I don't think it's strictly necessary in your case, it generally can't hurt to have this hotfix installed: Finally, this is a helpful FAQ on Visual Studio JavaScript Intellisense, by Jeff King (the Program Manager in charge of tooling):

Did that, with no hope :( and also I wrote "/// " in the top of my js file – Amr ElGarhy Mar 24 '09 at 15:20 Change that reference path to ~/js/jquery-1.3.2-vsdoc. Js (assuming that's the correct full path to your jsdoc). – Dave Ward Mar 24 '09 at 15:37 Great, it worked, but strange, it was working on my home PC with the previous path, why?

And which is the right one? By the way, thank you very much – Amr ElGarhy Mar 24 '09 at 15:39 I'm not sure why the discrepancy between machines. I'd consider the full path to be preferable, since it accounts for changes in the virtual root of your test server.

– Dave Ward Mar 24 '09 at 15:42.

Just for the record: After adding the hotfix, and ensuring the the vsdoc has the same name, don't forget to do ctrl shift 'J' to force VS to update the Jquery. You may also find that the VSdoc file has a 2 on the end of the file. On my version this was no longer necessary, so I had to rename my vsdoc2.

Js to vsdoc. Js: ctrl shift 'j' and boom: it works! NB.

With the hotfix, you will only need this on your page: The vsdoc. Js file just needs to sit next to the jquery-1.3.2. Js file, it doesn't need a reference, so if you have this: well, you can remove it.It isn't necessary and - I think - cock's things up.

Thanks for nice tip, its new for me. – Amr ElGarhy Jul 21 '09 at 13:13.

Please try my fix, which applies to the newer JQuery 1.6.1:

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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