Each YouTube video has 4 generated images. They are predictably formatted as follows.
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Php youtube youtube-api link|improve this question edited Feb 6 '11 at 1:38Lipis1,09151534 asked Jan 14 '10 at 23:34Ryan1,52711140 81% accept rate.
Each YouTube video has 4 generated images. They are predictably formatted as follows:
One of 1. Jpg, 2. Jpg, 3.
Jpg) is:
– trusktr Mar 7 '11 at 10:14 3 There's also default. Jpg which returns the default thumbnail (one of 1. Jpg 2.
Jpg 3. Jpg). – Thai May 30 '11 at 15:23 4 To add onto that, there's also now an hqdefault.
Jpg, for the HQ version of the thumb – Mitch Grande Aug 15 '11 at 14:59.
The URL trick is undocumented therefore unreliable. Better, use read-only feeds from YouTube Data API to retrieve video thumbnails, caption, description, rating, statistics and more via AJAX: Raw JSON gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos/gzDS-... Client Side Scripting Example Server Side Scripting Example data->thumbnail->sqDefault . '">'; More details here: Retrieve Title, Description and Thumbnail of a YouTube Video Using AJAX.
You can get the Video Entry which contains the URL to the video's thumbnail. There's example code in the link. Or, if you want to parse XML, there's information here.
The XML returned has a media:thumbnail element, which contains the thumbnail's URL.
I'm unable to get it out using simpleXML. It's quite hard! – aditya menon May 8 '11 at 6:18.
If you want the biggest image from youtube for specific video ID, then the code should be something like this.
Jpg"; //grab the third $thumb2 = $thumbnail. "2. Jpg"; //grab the fourth.
$thumb3 = $thumbnail. "3. Jpg"; //Using simple cURL to save it your server.
You can extends the cURL below if you want it fancy just like the rest of the folks here. $ch = curl_init ("$thumb1"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER,1); $rawdata=curl_exec ($ch); curl_close ($ch); //using fwrite to save the above $fp = fopen("SomeLocationInreferenceToYourScript/AnyNameYouWant. Jpg",'w'); //write the file fwrite($fp, $rawdata); //and then close it.
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