Calling conventions are per function - not PE file.
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Calling-convention pe link|improve this question asked Sep 15 '10 at 13:20Alan26529 34% accept rate.
Calling conventions are per function - not PE file. Library functions. At least the ones provided by MS, are all _stdcall.
Everything else is spread across other calling conventions, most of them being _cdecl. You can read more here. The short version: cdecl functions don't clear it's argument from the stack, allowing variable sized arguments.
Good example is printf() which can a different number of arguments. Stdcall functions clears arguments from the stack themselves. Hence variable sized arguments isn't possible.
Edit: added example Example for cdecl from the link: push c push be push a call function_name add esp, 12 ;Stack clearing, 3 arguments take 12 bytes of space (on 32bit) So after function_name returns, the caller clears the arguments off the stack.
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