How to make the caramel sauce?

This easy recipe will help you make your own homemade caramel apples. Enjoy! Ingredients needed for Caramel Apples: 6 Granny Smith apples 6 wooden sticks 1-14 ounce package individually wrapped caramels, unwrapped 2 tablespoons water 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract Directions for making Caramel Apples: Step 1: Insert wooden sticks 3/4 of the way into the stem end of each apple.

Step 2: Place apples on a cookie sheet covered with lightly greased aluminum foil. Step 3: Combine caramels and water in a saucepan over low heat. Step 4: Cook, stirring often, until caramel melts and is smooth.

Step 5: Stir in vanilla extract. Step 6: Dip each apple into the caramel and gently run apples around insides of saucepan to scrape off some of the caramel. Step 7: Scrape excess caramel from the apple bottoms using the side of the saucepan.

Step 8: Place on the aluminum foil and chill until ready to serve. After coating with caramel, roll your apples in: Dry-roasted peanuts Toasted slivered almonds Chopped pecans Chopped cashews Ground nuts (any kind) Melted semi-sweet chocolate chips, drizzled Melted peanut butter chip, drizzled Reese's pieces M&Ms Cinnamon red-hot candies Crushed hard toffee bar such as Heath or Skor Rainbow or chocolate sprinkles Tips: Other type of apples you can use are; Fuji, Jonathan, Jonagold, lady or McIntosh. Use your imagination with coatings to roll the apples.

You want the caramelization to start from the bottom and let it work its way up. 3Heat the mixture. Leave the sugar and butter mixture on medium-low for 5 to 8 minutes.

Keep an eye on the caramel sauce. Swirl the mixture if necessary to prevent burning, but do not stir. If you find that you end up burning some of the sugar before the rest of it is melted, the next time you attempt your caramel sauce, add a half cup of water to the sugar at the beginning of the process.

This is called a "wet" caramel sauce. The wet caramel sauce recipe will help the sugar to cook more evenly, although it will take longer to cook—the water will need to evaporate before the sugar will begin to caramelize. 4Check the color.

After 5 to 8 minutes, the mixture should turn a light brown.

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