How to use Front Facing Camera on Samsung Galaxy S?

Anyway after a few trials and error, I figured it out how to do it: Camera. Parameters parameters = mCamera.getParameters(); parameters. Set("camera-id", 2); parameters.

SetPreviewSize(640, 480); // or (800,480) this is supported front camera preview size @ Samsung Galaxy S mCamera. SetParameters(parameters) Or, if you need to use it with MediaRecorder: MediaRecorder mMediaRecorder = new MediaRecorder(); Camera mCamera =; Camera. Parameters parameters = mCamera.getParameters(); parameters.

Set("camera-id", 2); parameters. SetPreviewSize(640, 480); // or (800,480) mCamera. SetParameters(parameters); mCamera.unlock(); // unlock, to give other process to access it otherwise it can't be used later mMediaRecorder.

SetCamera(mCamera); // continue with mMediaRecorder standard routines here If you need to have a smaller preview size, you could set/scale down your SurfaceView size instead.

Anyway after a few trials and error, I figured it out how to do it: Camera. Parameters parameters = mCamera.getParameters(); parameters. Set("camera-id", 2); parameters.

SetPreviewSize(640, 480); // or (800,480) this is supported front camera preview size @ Samsung Galaxy S mCamera. SetParameters(parameters); Or, if you need to use it with MediaRecorder: MediaRecorder mMediaRecorder = new MediaRecorder(); Camera mCamera =; Camera. Parameters parameters = mCamera.getParameters(); parameters.

Set("camera-id", 2); parameters. SetPreviewSize(640, 480); // or (800,480) mCamera. SetParameters(parameters); mCamera.unlock(); // unlock, to give other process to access it otherwise it can't be used later mMediaRecorder.

SetCamera(mCamera); // continue with mMediaRecorder standard routines here If you need to have a smaller preview size, you could set/scale down your SurfaceView size instead.

There currently isn't a standard API for front-facing cameras; you will need to rely on whatever (if any) documentation the hardware manufacturer has for using their extensions to access the front-facing camera. This will of course only work on those specific devices. Note writing raw strings like "camera-id" is often a good sign you have wandered into the woods outside of the official SDK.


1 Yes, I already know that :). The "camera-id" parameter will only work of course in Samsung Galaxy S as it is not a part of the official SDK. But unfortunately, I haven't found any further helpful documentation using front camera on this model.

– anmustangs Nov 22 '10 at 5:35.

Android - How to use Front Facing Camera on Samsung Galaxy S - Stack Overflow.

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