Of the three, Tony Larussa, Ron Gardenhire and Jim Leyland, I think I would have to put Gardenhire first. He seems to make the most of limited resources, and there are many people in baseball who feel that the Minnesota Twins are run the right way. I’ve never really been a fan of Larussa.
Maybe it’s because he’s been a manager of the St. Louis Cardinals for so long, and I simply do not like that team, since I’m a Cubs fan. Maybe it’s the fact that for most of his managing career in St.Louis he’s been given very talented squads and was a major beneficiary of Walt Jockety being a very good general manager. I just don’t think that Larussa is that great of a manager.
I would rank Larussa 3rd on this list with Leyland coming in second. I think he has managed to build some pretty good teams, but I’ve never been able to get a read on whether he is a good manager, or has been handed good talent.
I'm surprised that Joe Torre was not mentioned in the conversation. Torre certainly has to rank up there as one of the top managers in the game today. Now in his 30th season, Torre has won 2,268 games, lost 1,932 for a .540 winning percentage.
He won 4 World Series over a 5 year span with the New York Yankees and 6 American League pennants over an 8 year period. He lead the Los Angeles Dodgers to back to back NL Championship Series appearances in 2008 and 2009. Another name worth mentioning is Bobby Cox of the Atlanta Braves.
Cox is retiring at the end of the season and he's had a great managerial career. He has won 2,432 games, lost 1,950 for a .555 winning percentage. He won 5 National League pennants and 1 World Series and finished in first place in his division 15 times.
I see your arguments for Jim Leyland, Tony LaRussa and Ron Gardenhire. I think Gardenhire, although impressive so far, doesn't have enough years under his belt to be put in the ranks of the other men mentioned. Longevity does count for something.
Leyland has won a World Series, but his overall winning percentage of a little under .500 doesn't qualify him in my opinion as the top manager in the league. LaRussa and Torre are the top managers and until LaRussa passes Torre in World Championships, I put Torre at number one.
Take The Quiz! Test your knowledge of Ron Gardenhire. Did You Know?
Appeared in final major league game (as a better) 6 October 1985.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.