I am buying a Dry Cleaning business and I have no experience in this business-Can anyone please share similar experience?

This looks like a formula for failure. I can't see any bank, backing you in this venture. You need enough money to run this business for one year, with no pay for yourself.

All I can say is my best wishes.

2 I agree. Is the business going to run itself? Does a ship need a captain or can the crew do everything without a leader?

There's tons of businesses that were profitable under one owner and then goes broke under a new owner. Why? Because the owner knew nothing about the business.

With dry cleaning, there's a lot of potential pitfals. You're cleaning clothes worth hundreds, if not thousands of dollars, and if you lose it, you're responsible for replacement. That's a lot of risk for a $10 dry cleaning charge.

People complain loudly when a dry cleaner messes up their order, and word of mouth can spread very quickly if you're not running a tight ship. Likewise, your help can steal from you, since this is mostly a cash business. If you're still hot on doing this, then make the owner stay around for a month to train you.

3 It takes more than a month to learn the dry cleaning business. Other than hair cutting and choosing a medical doctor, the next most personal decision is choosing a dry cleaner to care for your clothes. Clothing is VERY personal, its an extension of your personality.

You might want to take training from nca-i.com or ifi.org. Both of these organizations train dry cleaners from all over the world. You can even take training online or via mail.

After that, join your local dry cleaning association, and subscribe to the trade magazines such as fabricarecanada.com and natclo.com. If you need more information about getting into the dry cleaning business, please feel free to call me or email me. I'd be happy to all about it, good and bad.

I"m a former dry cleaner myself (16 years of ownership). I'll tell it like it is. Reach me via dcadshop.com .

It’s time to put my money where my mouth is with ten real business ideas (not cheesy work-at-home ideas) that require little or no money to start up. I’m not saying these ideas will make you rich, but with a little hard work you might end up with a nice second income. Concierge Service – If you live in an affluent area, you would be amazed at what some people are will to pay to not have to do themselves.

From grocery shopping to dry cleaning runs to booking travel and doctor’s appointments, you can become a personal assistant to the super-busy, and superrich. Mobile (Interior) Auto Detailing – How many people do you know who have decent cars but drive around with buckets of junk in the backseat and French fries stuck to the floor mats? With a vacuum cleaner you may already own and a few cheap bottles of automotive cleaning products, you can offer to come to anyone’s home or work and make their car’s interior like new.

Professional shops can charge up to $100 or more for this service. Dog Walker or Petsitting Service – If you love animals, there are plenty of people who will pay you to watch after their critters for a few hours.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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