Business names can make someone want to check out what you have or go on to something else. Therefore, I can see your point with wanting to put together a great name that will not only tell people what you have to sell but draw them to you as well. There was another group a few days ago or last week looking to name their travel site.As I was trying to think of interesting names for them, I wanted to piece together different words to make a new one.
The one good name that I came up with I actually decided to keep for myself since I had been looking for a name for a blog/website that I want to start. But I was trying to think along the lines of their competition which was Travelocity and Expedia.In both of those cases, the names are new words developed by combining other words or root words together to form a name that is interesting and indicative of what they do. So Travelocity would be Travel + velocity, etc. To think of a name, I think of synonyms of words, so for your company maybe synonyms of jewelry or something about handmade/handcrafted items.
The one word that I came up with that I liked was Adornary - to adorn is to wear and the suffix -ary means resembling or related to. So maybe you could have your company named Nina's Adornary. It's interesting enough that people might say - hmmm I wonder what she is selling.
Or maybe Nina's Handcrafted Adornery. I don't have a problem with your name being in something like this because for handcrafted items it makes it more personal. I do though like the Jewelry box idea as well.
I couldn't think of a way to make that more interesting though. If you want to play around with synonyms and words parts, there are a variety of thesaurus's online and I found this website about prefixes and suffixes that was handy (if you want to try and make a new word from combining words). Best of luck to you.
Howdy! Please consider the following names for your jewelry business: 1. Gracieux Jewelry -Gracieux is a French word for graceful Gracieuxjewelry.Com is available at US$10.69/year 2.
Elegante Jewelry - Elegante is a Spanish word for elegant Elegantejewelry. Us is available at US$9.99/year Best wishes to your new business!
I will give a try, sweethearts dreamsbox truefeelings happystars funbox goldbox mydreams greatdays flowerdrops good luck.
Personally I don't like name of businesses that include someone's name. However, I know many successful businesses that do. I really like the Jewelry Box bit but not so much the Boutique in the name, it does make it to lengthly if you add in another word.
I simply don't think "jewelry box boutique" sounds good either. Perhaps doing "jewelry box" and adding a different word to it. Ad an adjective to the blank "jewelry box ____" Or "______ jewelry box" For positive examples This is a real good site for descriptive adjectives. So I am not more help, but you should pick something you love. It's a passion to you. Maybe you can put passion in the name!
Here are a few ideas. - My Jewel Box - Glitter N Gleam - Nina's Sparkle Box - CreatImagination Jewels Good luck!
GlamTheirEyes GlamHerEyes AccessOrEyes AccessYourEyes AccessTheirEyes AccessHerEyes.
Congratulation! I think it’s great that you are starting your own jewelry business. Choosing a perfect name for a business is an important part of your future success.
Because a customer imagines your jewelry style, quality, artistic impression and so on with the name of your business, it is very important choice. Choose the type of name which customers can remember and understand easily. Remember that a stronger name creates a stronger position in customer’s mind.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.