I am looking for semi uncommon and uncommon IRISH baby girl names?

I love Irish names! (I'm 1/3 Irish as well) One of my favorites is Kella. Others are: Aileen (form of Evelyn) Aislinn (I actually know a redhead by the name of Aislinn... she's the sister of my friend Andrew... anyway- it means vision or dream and is pronounced AYZ linn) Aisling Briana/Brianna (meaning high or noble) Bridget/Brigid/Bridgit (all mean exalted or lofty) Briley Bryna (meaning strong one) Cael Cait (pronounced like Kate, meaning Pure) Cassidy (another of my favorites, it means curly haired) Ceara (could work for both ends.

Ceara is an Irish name meaning black) Caelan Ciara (I knew a girl named Ciara, this also means black) Cory (means hollow) Deidra/Deirdra/Deirdre (means she who chatters! :D I like the spelling of Deirdra the best) Eileen (beautiful bird) Eithne (means fairy, pronounced Eth NEE, my drama teacher's granddaughter is named this) Erin (meaning Ireland itself) Eire Enya Faylinn (a graceful woman, probably means fairy as well, as many names beginning with Fay- do) Fiana (vine) Finna (fair).

Well, my friend lives in Ireland and some unique names of his friends he's told me is Siobhan *sha-von*, Aislinn *Ashlyn*, Alishka, Aoife *ee-fa* but that's a common name in Ireland, Gemma *J'emma*, Sinéad *I don't know how to pronounce it, sorry.

Aha, I just got a book on Irish baby names so I have plenty of suggestions :) Girls Aoife (EE-fa) Ciara (KEER- a) Caoimhe (KEE-va) Niamh (Neev) Saoirse (SEER-sha) Roisin (Ro-SHEEN) Aisling (ASH- ling) Aoibhinn (EE-veen) Sciath (Ski-ya) Brigid Dana Tara :).

Aoife. -- Orlaith. -- Róisín.

-- Niamh. -- Aisling. -- Mairéad.

-- Caoimhe. -- Áine. -- Ciara.

-- Eimear. -- Siobhán. -- Clodagh.

-- Sinéad. -- Doireann. -- Aoibheann.

-- Saoirse. -- Nollaig. -- Sadhbh.

-- Éadaoin. -- Ríona. -- Blánaid.

-- Muireann. :).

Colleen Erin Eileen Aileen Bridget Cathleen/Kathleen Molly Payten Riley/Rileigh Sheridan Sloan Ryan/Ryanne Ryanna Shae Shaela Shae-Lynn/Shailynn Shalene/Shaylene Shanley Shannah Shayanne/Shayann Shaylee/Shaylie Shaylen Shaena Raleigh Keeley Kelly/Kelley/Kelli/Kellie Kelleen Kerri/Kerry Kiara Kyleen Larlene Logan MacKinsey/McKenzie Maegan Maeve Fallon Glenna Isibeal Cara Cassidy Ciara Claire/Clare Cleona Elaine Fiona Kaitlin/Kaitlyn/Caitlin Mona Noleen Nora/Norah Noreen Regan/Ragan/Reghan/Reagan/Reganne Teagan Niamh Aisling Sinead Shannon Roisin Alana Ashleen Biddy Blaine Brenda Brianna Carleen Carrigan Casey Clancy Dallas Darcy Delanie Dillan Nia Noraleen Sullivan Tara Taryn Tristian Tristianna.

Alanna (or Alannah/ Alana) Aoife Brigid/ Bridget Briana/ Brianna Cara/ Caragh/ Caera Ciara Darcy Eilish Fiona Gael Imogen Kaitlin Kacie Lana Leanne Maira Morgan/ Morgaine Neala Orla Payton Shannon Siobhan Taisie Tara Una Valera good luck naming her :).

Try 'Briana' or 'Brianna' It means 'noble' and is Irish.

Behind the name is a good place to look. Its a website.

Ailbhe-al-va ailish-ale-ish aoibheann-a-veen bronagh-bro-na caoimhe-key-va caoilainn-k-linn clodagh-clo-da.

Kiernan Declan Colin Grady Finley Desmond Kellan Lyle Murphey Kiera Bridget Aislin Maura Kennedy Eaden Finley Keeva Maeve.

Finny Finley Liam Aodhan Brendon Seamus Shane Aileen.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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