I am NURSE / HOME HEALTH AIDE, this is a true story , hope you like it?

I am NURSE / HOME HEALTH AIDE, this is a true story , hope you like it. I get a call one day from my agency , can I look after a woman in her late 80's for a few hours while her live in caregiver goes out shopping , she was just to hard to take to the store anymore, she used to wait on the bench in the front but had begun wandering off, I said sure , it was on a few miles down the road , any way this was a very interesting woman, she used to be on the county commission and tuned all the pianos that Baldwin used to make before they left the factory , she lived in this little house on the ocean , that she and her husband built in the late 50's , I asked her about the house , she was very sharp , told me they came down to the keys to look at lots in the late 1940's , she liked this lot , it was on a little safe harbor on the ocean and it cost 1500.00 , a dry lot was 500. She said to her fiance at the time I like this lot , he said NO WAY TOO EXPENSIVE!

I said so how did you wind up buying this lot? SEE POST #1 FOR THE REST OF THE STORY Asked by IOU-0 16 months ago Similar questions: NURSE HOME HEALTH AIDE true story hope Health.

Similar questions: NURSE HOME HEALTH AIDE true story hope.

Loved it~ Brought back memories of my nursing career.

If your Q is, do I like this story, the answer is "Yes"; otherwise, I don't know how to answer.

1 I get a call one day from my agency , can I look after a woman in her late 80's for a few hours while her live in caregiver goes out shopping , she was just to hard to take to the store anymore, she used to wait on the bench in the front but had begun wandering off, I said sure , it was on a few miles down the road , any way this was a very interesting woman, she used to be on the county commission and tuned all the pianos that Baldwin used to make before they left the factory , she lived in this little house on the ocean , that she and her husband built in the late 50's , I asked her about the house , she was very sharp , told me they came down to the keys to look at lots in the late 1940's , she liked this lot , it was on a little safe harbor on the ocean and it cost 1500.00 , a dry lot was 500. She said to her fiance at the time I like this lot , he said NO WAY TOO EXPENSIVE! I said so how did you wind up buying this lot?

This little old lady (used to play the church organ on Sundays) looks me in the eye with a twinkle and says " YOU WOULD BE SURPRISED HOW MUCH POWER A 17 YEAR OLD GIRL HAS OVER A 19 YEAR OLD BOY " I was stunned for a second , I must have blushed . I stammered -er yeah actually I do. She nodded her agreement with my reply and that was that .

YOU never know, Is that precious or what, I will never forget that twinkle in her eye , it was priceless.

I get a call one day from my agency , can I look after a woman in her late 80's for a few hours while her live in caregiver goes out shopping , she was just to hard to take to the store anymore, she used to wait on the bench in the front but had begun wandering off, I said sure , it was on a few miles down the road , any way this was a very interesting woman, she used to be on the county commission and tuned all the pianos that Baldwin used to make before they left the factory , she lived in this little house on the ocean , that she and her husband built in the late 50's , I asked her about the house , she was very sharp , told me they came down to the keys to look at lots in the late 1940's , she liked this lot , it was on a little safe harbor on the ocean and it cost 1500.00 , a dry lot was 500. She said to her fiance at the time I like this lot , he said NO WAY TOO EXPENSIVE! I said so how did you wind up buying this lot?

This little old lady (used to play the church organ on Sundays) looks me in the eye with a twinkle and says " YOU WOULD BE SURPRISED HOW MUCH POWER A 17 YEAR OLD GIRL HAS OVER A 19 YEAR OLD BOY " I was stunned for a second , I must have blushed . I stammered -er yeah actually I do. She nodded her agreement with my reply and that was that .

YOU never know, Is that precious or what, I will never forget that twinkle in her eye , it was priceless.

2 As a retired nurse I can honestly say many older people can remember things vividly from years ago but can't remember what they did the day before. Some of the stories they tell are extremely heart warming. This one was.

As a retired nurse I can honestly say many older people can remember things vividly from years ago but can't remember what they did the day before. Some of the stories they tell are extremely heart warming. This one was.

3 Thank you to brat and lex , I appreciate your answers -Lex I did not make it a question, but its OK , I AM GLAD YOU AND Bratlady enjoyed my tale. I love the company of seniors , they have a lifetime of experience to talk about, you never know what they are going to tell you , some of it will make an impression on you that will last a life time, just like this story I told here. I was so stunned when she made that proclamation about being 17, you could have knocked me over with a feather.

Thank you to brat and lex , I appreciate your answers -Lex I did not make it a question, but its OK , I AM GLAD YOU AND Bratlady enjoyed my tale. I love the company of seniors , they have a lifetime of experience to talk about, you never know what they are going to tell you , some of it will make an impression on you that will last a life time, just like this story I told here. I was so stunned when she made that proclamation about being 17, you could have knocked me over with a feather.

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Need help to begin new home health in home.

Do I need liability ins. To work privately as a home health aide.

I need the book name about home health remedies written by two sisters. I believe it's fairly new.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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