If your Tier IV benefits expired after the deadline, you may be eligible for EB if that is extended as well. If your anyother Tier benefits expired after the deadline, you not may be able to continue to the next Tier and receive retroactive payment for the weeks missed. floridajobs.org/unemployment/EUC_09/inde... Regular Florida UC (Unemployment Compensation) 26 weeks EUC Federal Emergency Unemployment Compensation; Tier I 20 weeks Tier II 14 weeks Tier III 13 weeks Tier IV 6 weeks Florida EB (Extended Benefits) 20 weeks (Deadline of June has not been extended as of today).
Here is a breakdown of the new filing deadlines for federal extension benefits now that the program has been extended for another 13 months.
Make at least three employer contacts during each week claimed, orParticipate in three approved, in-person job-search activities at your local WorkSource office, orMake a combination of employer contacts and in-person job-search activities, for a total of three. You must record your job-search activities on your Job-Search Log. We may call you into a local WorkSource office to verify your job search.
If you are approved for Commissioner-Approved Training (CAT) or the Self-Employment Assistance Program (SEAP), you do not have to meet the job-search requirements if you are making satisfactory progress in your schooling program. I get work through my union. Do I have to look for other work outside of the union to receive EUC?
If you are in good standing with a referral union that participates in our program and you meet the union’s dispatch requirements, you don’t have a work-search requirement for EUC. We will verify your status with your union. If I am on standby with my employer, do I have to look for other work while on EUC?
If we have approved you for standby, you satisfy the job-search requirement. If you do not return to work when your standby ends, you must start meeting the job-search requirements above. We will approve no more than eight weeks of standby during your claim.
If you have not returned to work with your employer after eight weeks, you must comply with the job-search requirements described above and report for all scheduled WorkSource appointments. Can I continue to receive Trade Readjustment Allowances (TRA) instead of EUC? We must pay EUC before TRA.
We will mail an application packet to you if it appears you may qualify for EUC. We will review your application and make a decision about the status of your payments. If you don’t qualify for training benefits or Trade Readjustment Allowances, then there are no other income-support programs available through Employment Security.
It’s possible you qualify for social services through the Department of Social & Health Services. If you need assistance with housing, food, healthcare or other basic needs, dial 2-1-1 (or visit www.211.org) for more information. In 07-90462, Employment Security notified me that my EUC benefits would shut off on 07-90461.
Do I have to do anything to continue receiving them? Continue to file a weekly claim each week as you always have. If you didn’t claim benefits for at least one week, but you know you have EUC benefits remaining, you’ll need to contact the EUC claims center (877-558-8509) to reopen your claim.
I ran out of EUC benefits before the end of 2012. Does the new extension provide additional weeks of benefits?No. Congress extended the ending date of the program for those who still have EUC benefit remaining, but did not increase the total weeks of benefits available.
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