It seems to me that the biggest difference, like with any Apple product is integration. Many Windows based PC's have more features than Mac's. Bluray burners, enhanced networking, bigger screens, bundled software, etc.Apple products don't differentiate themselves on features but rather style and integration with other Apple products.
The iPod is the shining example of this. It's a sleek, cool device that is exceptionally easy to use when connected to a Mac. Not only is transferring audio and video to an iPod easy, but integration with iTunes makes the whole experience comfortable and hassle free.
People pay for style and usability - Apple banks on this with every product they release. I don't think that the iPad will be any different. HP, Asus, Amazon, etc are already lining up to make devices with more features and functions then the iPad.
Do more features and functions result in more sales? They should - but they don't. If you're looking for a full featured, open standards device, I'd go with the WePad.
I think you should go with the iPad or wait it out. The iPod Touch is a proven product, so I think you can count on the iPad to do a great job. If you are leaning more towards the WePad, I say wait it out and see what other tablet devices come out before you make the decision.
I have a feeling that there are going to be dozens of these things coming out within the next year.
YouTube works fine on iPad and also iPhone. I imagine both will be ok for photo-sharing and surfing, but the iPad will have tons of apps from the get go, including for Flickr etc. You won't be able to sell your wife on a mysterious geek thing called a WePad, so go for the iPad. :D.
It seems to me that the biggest difference, like with any Apple product is integration. Many Windows based PC's have more features than Mac's. Bluray burners, enhanced networking, bigger screens, bundled software, etc. Apple products don't differentiate themselves on features but rather style and integration with other Apple products.
The iPod is the shining example of this. It's a sleek, cool device that is exceptionally easy to use when connected to a Mac. Not only is transferring audio and video to an iPod easy, but integration with iTunes makes the whole experience comfortable and hassle free.
People pay for style and usability - Apple banks on this with every product they release. I don't think that the iPad will be any different. HP, Asus, Amazon, etc are already lining up to make devices with more features and functions then the iPad.
Do more features and functions result in more sales? They should - but they don't. If you're looking for a full featured, open standards device, I'd go with the WePad.
If you're looking for an easy to use, stylish device that is well connected, choose the iPad.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.