I color my hair and was wondering if there are some tricks or tips to having my color last longer?

Definitely! First and foremost -- always use shampoos, conditioners and styling products for color treated hair. About a day or so before you go to get your hair colored, apply a deep conditioning treatment to your hair.

The better conditioned your hair is, the better the color will hold and the longer it will last. Make sure that its been 24-48 hours since your last wash before you color your hair. The natural oils assist in making the color application more successful.

Think about using color enhancing shampoos. There are some brands that offer shampoo and conditioner specifically for blondes, brunettes, and red heads. They help make your color last.

Think about adding highlights (lighter color) or lowlights (darker color) to your hair. It adds dimension and reflect light. Avoid swimming pools!

Cliche I know. But Chlorine wreaks havoc with blondes. I have had green streaks before!LOL.

Also, the sun is bad for colored hair. Try some sunscreen made specifically for the hair.(amazon.com/s?ie=UTF8&rh=n:3760911,k:hair...) Since you get the color a few times a year, that should imply that you are close to your natural color, so your roots are not too noticeable. If not, and you are a different color all together, you should be doing touchups (either at home or at a salon) about every 4-6 weeks.

Good Luck!

Putty, when using bright colors like pink,blue, red, yellow,etc. Using a clear semi-permanent hair glosser over the color can seal the cuticle and help hold color in. Since glossers usually last about 6 to 10 shampoos, this should increase the life of your color.

Definitely! First and foremost -- always use shampoos, conditioners and styling products for color treated hair. About a day or so before you go to get your hair colored, apply a deep conditioning treatment to your hair.

The better conditioned your hair is, the better the color will hold and the longer it will last. Make sure that its been 24-48 hours since your last wash before you color your hair. The natural oils assist in making the color application more successful.

Think about using color enhancing shampoos. There are some brands that offer shampoo and conditioner specifically for blondes, brunettes, and red heads. They help make your color last.

Think about adding highlights (lighter color) or lowlights (darker color) to your hair. It adds dimension and reflect light. Avoid swimming pools!

Cliche I know. But Chlorine wreaks havoc with blondes. I have had green streaks before!

LOL. Also, the sun is bad for colored hair. Try some sunscreen made specifically for the hair.

(amazon.com/s?ie=UTF8&rh=n:3760911,k:hair...) Since you get the color a few times a year, that should imply that you are close to your natural color, so your roots are not too noticeable. If not, and you are a different color all together, you should be doing touchups (either at home or at a salon) about every 4-6 weeks. Good Luck!

Using the right products made especially colored hair is key. These products are made with shields that protect your colored hair from the sun & other elements that might otherwise dull or alter the color. Swimming pools where chlorine lurks is a culprit for making your hair dry, brittle & color changing, Make sure you keep your head out of the water or use a hair product that will protect it from the chlorine.

Liability is assumed whatsoever by the author of this article or by HairBoutique.com. Colored pigments in the hair shaft. Different combinations of reflections of light off of the colored pigments.

Sunlight, whether it's color from nature or from a bottle. Reflected or seen by the eye. Hair color is assigned a Level number ranging from1 to 10 with 1 being black and 10 lightest blonde.

Lightest blonde reflects the greatest amount of light. 'two steps lighter' than a level 8 blonde. Colors and almost all brands commonly found.

There are several different types of hair color. Sure to read this section carefully. Permanent is just what it means.

Pigment of the hair shaft. It does not wash out. Natural color pigments irreversibly chemically altered.

This is a job which should be left to the Pros Only. Expensive and is hard on the hair to varying degrees. Color is what it says it is, it can cover gray and go darker, but can not lighten.

Lasts varying lengths of time depending on the product. Suitable for amateur colorists. This is definitely a pro-only process.

Color into the hair, there are many varieties on the market for the home user. Usually condition and color in one step. Colors are among the easiest to start with to enhance your color.

Peroxide to activate them. Some are capable of lifting or lightening one level.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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