I have a collection agency trying to collect on a 15 year old debt from me, and it is not even my debt?

The statue of limitations was up a long time ago. Tell them to go eat dirt! And tell them not to call you any more.

If they call you, you're reporting them to the Attorney General's office.

Oh wow! Thanks for telling me. He was trying to at least get 300.00 of the 1800.00, from me, over the phone.

But this did show on my credit report about 13 years ago. I disputed it and it disappeared. MorningDew 12 months ago .

Ah, then it's a credit agency that's a bottom feeder. They buy a lot of old debts (well, in your case a report about bad debt). If you paid them anything, none of your money would even go back to the original company.

This debt has been bought and sold many times over. Ignore them. Tell them the statute of limitations was up after 5 years!

Unless it's a debt owed to a government agency, then I agree with DanZee. Ignore it. HOWEVER, if they try to sue you to collect, make certain you show up and let the court know the details.

Also, get a copy of your credit report and make certain it isn't being listed - you can easily get it removed.

Yeah, I am going to get a free credit report today, thanks! MorningDew 12 months ago .

The department store where this account was opened was a store I never in my life ever shopped in. MorningDew 12 months ago .

Also note that "Free Credit Report" is anything but free. Where do yo uthink they get all the money for all those ads on the TV and radio? If you don't read all the fine print they will continue billing you for "updates".

Another huge scam.

Yeah, I know. They offered me a free trial and I cancelled in the alloted time frame and they still kept billing me. MorningDew 12 months ago .

DPD There is a statute of limitations on debt depending on the state you live in and the type of debt. Here is the list by state. fair-debt-collection.com/SOL-by-State.html html.

Thanks, Wealth Advisor. MorningDew 12 months ago .

Do not pay anything to anyone and (in my opinion) do not communicate with them. You can renew the debit if you acknowledge it or pay on it. Then they take over to rob you.

Oh wow! Thanks for telling me. He was trying to at least get 300.00 of the 1800.00, from me, over the phone.

MorningDew 12 months ago .

You are not required to pay the debt simply because a collection agency contacts you. Do not make any payment on the debt, as doing so could reset the statute of limitations, depending on your state's law, thus allowing the creditor to take legal action against you for this old debt. A collection agency's contacting you does not necessarily mean that you are legally obligated to pay the debt, nor does it mean that this 12-year-old account will reappear on your spouse's credit report.Com/collection-calls-on-12-year-old-debt.

Thanks for the link, Gary. MorningDew 12 months ago .

I believe that money owed is money owed and there is not "statute of limitations" on that. What you might want to do is tell the person holding the "debt" two things: any further calls will be harassment, grounds for lawsuit; if they want the money from you, they'll have to take you to court and prove--in court--that it's your debt and not theirs. That second one might nor might not be a bluff, but after 15 years, probably not.

Ah, then it's a credit agency that's a bottom feeder. They buy a lot of old debts (well, in your case a report about bad debt). If you paid them anything, none of your money would even go back to the original company.

This debt has been bought and sold many times over. Tell them the statute of limitations was up after 5 years!

The department store where this account was opened was a store I never in my life ever shopped in. MorningDew 60 months ago.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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