I just saw the movie Inception It is very good.How many of you have seen it already?

I just saw the movie Inception It is very good. How many of you have seen it already? Asked by rainbowsun 19 months ago Similar Questions: movie Inception Recent Questions About: movie Inception Entertainment > Movies.

Similar Questions: movie Inception Recent Questions About: movie Inception.

Yup, one of the best movies I've seen in years. Definitely one of my favorites of all time.

Leonardo was very good in this movie. But the way it ended. Do you think there will be a sequel to it?

Rainbowsun 19 months ago .

I have not seen it, but if you say it is good . I will. You have good taste.

Thank you French Fry. Believe me it is worth it. One thing though.

Do not miss the beginning of this movie. If you come in after it starts. You might not understand what is going on.

To me this is a lot better than Leonardo doing the Titanic movie. Rainbowsun 19 months ago .

It is on my list. I think it will be much like some of the SF I read, especially PK Dick's UBIK. (Which prompts my icon.

)And Mind Partener - which is a Amazon book for sale. Com/MIND-PARTNER-Stentorii-Blacksword-Civilization/dp/B000NRVSQK/ref=sr_1_7? Ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1282562156&sr=8-7.

One more thing - UBIK"Nobody but Philip K. Dick could so successfully combine SF comedy with the unease of reality gone wrong, shifting underfoot like quicksand. Besides grisly ideas like funeral parlors where you swap gossip for the advice of the frozen dead, Ubik (1969) offers such deadpan farce as a moneyless character's attack on the robot apartment door that demands a five-cent toll:"I'll sue you," the door said as the first screw fell out.

Joe Chip said, "I've never been sued by a door. But I guess I can live through it. " com/Ubik-Philip-K-Dick/dp/0679736646/ref=sr_1_1?


I saw it. One of the best movies I have seen, and the best of this year, IMO.

So far for me,It was pretty good. Not bad at all. But the way it ended.

Is it possible there will be a sequel to it. Rainbowsun 19 months ago .

No doubt one of the best that I have seen Leonardo in so far. If they do make a sequel. I hope it is just as good as the first.

Because sometimes when a sequel is made. It is pretty much boring and not as exciting as the first movie that grossed millions. Rainbowsun 19 months ago .

Inception" could, IS the best movie ever made.

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I. What are your next challenges in music and movies? I know you've that movie Takers that's out.

Good luck.

Looking for movie from 90's bout mother with daughter who movies to barrio.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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