I love the radio. What I love most is the use of radio for telling stories, and even for radio theatre?

I love the radio. What I love most is the use of radio for telling stories, and even for radio theatre. Soon, legislation is going to open up space for many small radio stations to be formed.

If you had a small radio station, and could share it with a group of other, what would you like to do with it? I'd like to have people read their stories -- and poety -- and to also perform their radio theatre on the radio station. I'd also like to have a few segments devoted to highlights of local and national and international news I think are important.

I think it would be real fun to have guests come on to do shows on stuff they knew a lot about. I'd love to have an interactive feature, but what I think would work best would be like they do on NPR: you contact people who've written you about ideas, and arrange to call them on the air and what you are going to discuss. Might even be cool to have an open university on the air -- someone or two or so people with an expertise in a subect area would hold a class that met maybe 2 or three times a week, for an hour.

Asked by lydianell 25 months ago Similar questions: love radio telling stories theatre Entertainment > Radio.

Similar questions: love radio telling stories theatre.

1 Low-power FM could be good for the community, but I think that the Internet may be a better medium for this sort of thing. It costs no more, and possibly a whole lot less. And you get a much bigger audience.

Things like "university of the air" might be best handled as podcasts. There's no reason students need listen all at once, as radio forces you to do. For some things that can create a sense of community, but it would be hard to get a sufficient community in low-power FM range.Do it as a podcast and the whole world can come to you.

I could see using it to report local news, and then to have a call-in for discussion of both local issues and the way your community approaches national and international ones. But this requires a fair bit of overhead to set it up; you need a phone bank to do it well, and the equipment. And radio being essentially a one-way medium, it takes a rather skilled host to really turn it into a dialogue.

People like to call in and rant "on the air" but that's not really doing much for anybody, especially if the rants make people change the station.

Low-power FM could be good for the community, but I think that the Internet may be a better medium for this sort of thing. It costs no more, and possibly a whole lot less. And you get a much bigger audience.

Things like "university of the air" might be best handled as podcasts. There's no reason students need listen all at once, as radio forces you to do. For some things that can create a sense of community, but it would be hard to get a sufficient community in low-power FM range.Do it as a podcast and the whole world can come to you.

I could see using it to report local news, and then to have a call-in for discussion of both local issues and the way your community approaches national and international ones. But this requires a fair bit of overhead to set it up; you need a phone bank to do it well, and the equipment. And radio being essentially a one-way medium, it takes a rather skilled host to really turn it into a dialogue.

People like to call in and rant "on the air" but that's not really doing much for anybody, especially if the rants make people change the station.

2 I like the idea but PamP is correct in the drawbacks.

I like the idea but PamP is correct in the drawbacks.

3 The internet is best by far; however, are still a significant portion of people, the poor, disabled, elderly, and young people who can't afford a the ongoing maintenance, replacement, and ISP cost of a personal computer. Having to wait for an hour to use the computer for 45 min. A few times a day is just not the same as having your own computer.

And many of these people can't make it to libraries. Radio is truly free with just a radio and access to batteries or electricity, you don't need an ISP -- everyone has access. University of the Air will be great, and though it will be fine local within the city, it can be made to be a podcast easily enough, and can broadcast other podcasts.

A friend of mine does his popular radio show weekly, and podcasts from the archive are made available free; it's all supported by donations. The small audience aspect will be good; there will be hundreds of these open stations all over my city, so the more the merrier, and there are lots of grant programs for this too. I'm assuming the reception range is low too, but not sure what its like lately.

Salalites are helping -- I wonder if any of these stations use satleitte. The more I think about it, keeping the news local sounds the best -- that's the news you miss so much. Here, they have votes at town meetings but they often don't announce the town meeting until the day before the day fo the You could easily create a tone where no one ranted; I think it would be really helpul to know more about what our neighborhoods/ regions were doing.It could announce things like where the summer's commual gardens are, bookclubs to meet people, art classes, cooking classes, inexpensive community resources, volunteer programs, job listings, etc. This user has been banned from Askville.

3 The internet is best by far; however, are still a significant portion of people, the poor, disabled, elderly, and young people who can't afford a the ongoing maintenance, replacement, and ISP cost of a personal computer. Having to wait for an hour to use the computer for 45 min. A few times a day is just not the same as having your own computer.

And many of these people can't make it to libraries. Radio is truly free with just a radio and access to batteries or electricity, you don't need an ISP -- everyone has access. University of the Air will be great, and though it will be fine local within the city, it can be made to be a podcast easily enough, and can broadcast other podcasts.

A friend of mine does his popular radio show weekly, and podcasts from the archive are made available free; it's all supported by donations. The small audience aspect will be good; there will be hundreds of these open stations all over my city, so the more the merrier, and there are lots of grant programs for this too. I'm assuming the reception range is low too, but not sure what its like lately.

Salalites are helping -- I wonder if any of these stations use satleitte. The more I think about it, keeping the news local sounds the best -- that's the news you miss so much. Here, they have votes at town meetings but they often don't announce the town meeting until the day before the day fo the You could easily create a tone where no one ranted; I think it would be really helpul to know more about what our neighborhoods/ regions were doing.It could announce things like where the summer's commual gardens are, bookclubs to meet people, art classes, cooking classes, inexpensive community resources, volunteer programs, job listings, etc.

The internet is best by far; however, are still a significant portion of people, the poor, disabled, elderly, and young people who can't afford a the ongoing maintenance, replacement, and ISP cost of a personal computer. Having to wait for an hour to use the computer for 45 min. A few times a day is just not the same as having your own computer.

And many of these people can't make it to libraries. Radio is truly free with just a radio and access to batteries or electricity, you don't need an ISP -- everyone has access. University of the Air will be great, and though it will be fine local within the city, it can be made to be a podcast easily enough, and can broadcast other podcasts.

A friend of mine does his popular radio show weekly, and podcasts from the archive are made available free; it's all supported by donations. The small audience aspect will be good; there will be hundreds of these open stations all over my city, so the more the merrier, and there are lots of grant programs for this too. I'm assuming the reception range is low too, but not sure what its like lately.

Salalites are helping -- I wonder if any of these stations use satleitte. The more I think about it, keeping the news local sounds the best -- that's the news you miss so much. Here, they have votes at town meetings but they often don't announce the town meeting until the day before the day fo the You could easily create a tone where no one ranted; I think it would be really helpul to know more about what our neighborhoods/ regions were doing.It could announce things like where the summer's commual gardens are, bookclubs to meet people, art classes, cooking classes, inexpensive community resources, volunteer programs, job listings, etc.

4 To me though, the most wonderful thing would be doing radio theatre -- that is so fun. This user has been banned from Askville.

4 To me though, the most wonderful thing would be doing radio theatre -- that is so fun.

To me though, the most wonderful thing would be doing radio theatre -- that is so fun.

5 I think a "Stop Watching TV" movement would be great for the u.s. -- all these alternatives could be so much better. Our mainstream news is almost all propaganda, and is made to sell us things -- even to create the needs fo things.

This user has been banned from Askville.

5 I think a "Stop Watching TV" movement would be great for the u.s. -- all these alternatives could be so much better. Our mainstream news is almost all propaganda, and is made to sell us things -- even to create the needs fo things.

I think a "Stop Watching TV" movement would be great for the u.s. -- all these alternatives could be so much better. Our mainstream news is almost all propaganda, and is made to sell us things -- even to create the needs fo things.

" "HOW DO U GET TO MUSIC FROM RADIO" "My make don't want to get a job. Everyone keeps telling me to boot him to the curb but I love him so much? What do I do?

" "Is there a song on the radio that you used to love, but now when it comes on you can't change the station fast enough?" "HD Radio do you need it? " "Do you have an HD Radio? If so, what do you think?" "Anyone else love the crazy stories some kids tell?

" "Anyone Looking for a Two Way Radio?

I "LOVE" this mug, but have to keep telling my husband to stop putting it in the dishwasher.

My make don't want to get a job. Everyone keeps telling me to boot him to the curb but I love him so much? What do I do?

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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