I planted carrots but not sure when it's harvest time. I also planted garlic and not sure with that as well? Asked by withhishands 40 months ago Similar questions: planted carrots harvest time garlic Home > Patio, Lawn & Garden.
Similar questions: planted carrots harvest time garlic.
Ok this is wha I found for you. 1Begin harvesting carrots when they turn bright orange (normally 60 to 80 days after planting, depending on the variety). Step2 Pull carrots within two or three days during the summer for best flavor; in cooler weather they can stay in the ground for weeks without decline in taste or appearance.
Step3 Use a garden fork to loosen the soil around each carrot, then pull up with a twisting motion so the leaves don't break off in your hand. Step4 Cut the leaves off as soon as carrots are out of the ground; as long as they're attached, they'll keep growing and drawing moisture and nourishment from the roots. Step5 Store carrots you plan to use within a week or so by sealing them in plastic bags to retain moisture and putting them in the refrigerator.
Step6 Keep carrots fresh to use through the winter by burying the roots in damp sand or sawdust and storing them in a cold place (32 to 40 degrees F). Step7 Slice carrots, then freeze or dry them for use in soups and stews throughout the winter. At this site ehow.com/how_8275_harvest-store-carrots.... When to Harvest Garlic Deciding when to harvest your garlic crop is not an exact science.In the USA and much of Northern Europe garlic is usually harvested in the summer months.
Garlic harvesting begins in July and picking can continue all the way through August. The best guide to when to harvest your garlic is to look at the leaves. The base of the leaves will form the layers wrapped around the garlic head once picked.
As summer progresses, these leaves will gradually brown and die off. If you harvest too early, the garlic will not be ready. If you leave it too late and too many leaves have died off then there will be insufficient protection left for your garlic and it will not store well.
Different locations, different varieties of garlic and different weather conditions will need different harvesting dates. As a rule of thumb you should consider harvesting when about half of the leaves are green and the other half turning brown and dying off. Don't immediately pull up all of your garlic at this point!
First gently pick out one or two plants and make sure that the heads have reached a decent size. If they are still small and tightly wrapped in too many layers then they probably need to be left a little longer. If there are too few layers and the bulbs are beginning to split then you have probably left it too long and need to get the garlic picked as quickly as possible.
One your garlic harvest has been picked, don't leave it laying on the ground. Too much sun can "burn" the garlic and cause its taste to deteriorate. Instead get it inside quickly, brush off the soil (don't wash it!
) and leave hanging in a dry place for a couple of weeks. This is the site on Garlic http://www.garlic-central.com/growing/harvest.html I hope this info is of help to you! Good Luck Sources: http://www.garlic-central.com/growing/harvest.html .
The carrots you will see this year 80 days after planting, maybe two crops if a mind to! The Garlic... The Garlic should have been planted last October for harvest this year, SORRY! There is a links to a book on growing Garlic below, available thru Amazon!
The best planting time for Garlic is like I mentioned, in the fall. I like to plant mine in October planting only the large cloves. Keep weed free they don’t like compettion for the nutrients.
Prepare the ground using your compost, ensure you have put plenty of compost down to restore the nitrogen and nutrients to the ground. You can use a good cover crop of clover or alphalfa to help easily do this job. Make sure you do this before the stems get to hard to till properly in to the ground.
Now you take the Garlic bulbs and crack them apart, make sure you seperate the cloves only when close to planting this prevents their roots from drying out. This starts the growing faster. How they should be planted single or double rows, depends on amount you planned.
Just ensure the neck or the pointed end is up and two inches below the surface. Once planted I like to cover the garlic with mulch this helps maintain moisture and temperature! http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=
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Gift-wrap available. The planting and growing of Carrots are much easier than Garlic. Here again make sure the ground is well prepared with compost to help restore the growing power of the earth.
Clear as much stone and hard objects from the soil as possible, the carrots have a chance then of growing striaght, then again deformed carrots can be amusing! I usually use a hoe to make a trench, then pour the seeds evenly along the trench (no more than one inch deep) cover with dirt and water. When they start to grow thinning will be necessary to help bring in a large bountiful crop!
If all goes right carrots should or can be harvested about 80 days after planting! I normally have the purple and normal carrots planted! Sources: PC 123 .
It depends. It depends on when you planted them, the temperature, the moisture, & sunlight received. 60-90 days, The smaller they are, the more tender.
The larger & older are tough & stringy. It depends on your taste buds.
1 I read the two answers (two so far) and thought I should add a little. I'm growing carrots and garlic right now, so...With the carrots, I feel down in the ground a bit to the top of the carrot. Depending on the type, if it is somewhere between half and inch and an inch across, I will pull it.
With garlic, I generally wait until the tops fall over then harvest. Hope that helps.
I read the two answers (two so far) and thought I should add a little. I'm growing carrots and garlic right now, so...With the carrots, I feel down in the ground a bit to the top of the carrot. Depending on the type, if it is somewhere between half and inch and an inch across, I will pull it.
With garlic, I generally wait until the tops fall over then harvest. Hope that helps.
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What do you have planted? Picked anything yet? " "planted new garden in grassy yard.
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I planted some carrot seeds some time ago and they have grown still I am not sure when the carrots will be ready...
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Planted new garden in grassy yard. Grass is back. Seeds are in.
What do I do?
I planted an herb garden in a small garden spot next to my kitchen and.
I am putting in some small raised garden beds and wonder how, after I get them planted, will I keep the cats out of them.
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