(Is it only me?) I see anyone who has taken significant advantage of me as psychopath/ sociopath?

Well considering so many women are attracted to power and wealth, I'd say there's a possibility of there being an advantage. There's also the possibility that there's a good chance a psychopath will father multiple children to various different women, because it's easier for a psychopath to move on after a relationship ends. Also, many are good at manipulating people, therefore they'll find it easier to get into a relationship with someone.

Evolution works by who has the most children, thereby passing on the genes of the parents; if psychopaths do have more children than average, we have a potential problem in the distant future. The latest research seems to suggest that psychopathy is genetic, however how that shows itself in an individual is down to upbringing.

Individually, for their own trajectory - yes, there is an obvious advantage to not caring. However as a growing trait in humanity - no. We are humans, we got to be what we are, our evolution, by co-operation, and that will remain so.

Simply, we live together or we die together. Many people attempt to ape the detachment of a psychopath, life is painful and bloody scary, so that level of detachment can be seen as desirable. Note all those endlessly popular anti-heroes such as Patrick Bateman, but that's a world away from actually being one, and why the percentage of actual psychopaths is, and will remain, tiny.

Edit- @ Gho5t the HoaX - Autism has absolutely nothing to do with being a psychopath! They are distinctly separate conditions. Whilst autistic people often have trouble in feeling/displaying empathy, they are overwhelmingly 'fair', and also score above average on the moral conventional distinction, so the correlation between the two is a) wrong b) offensive!

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