I took sleeping pills last night whilst intoxicated, and was unconscious for hours, what is this called?

You're making out it's a regular thing, it was only one night where I thought I needed it Asked by ZilZil 6 months ago Similar questions: sleeping pills night whilst intoxicated unconscious hours called Health > Conditions & Diseases.

Similar questions: sleeping pills night whilst intoxicated unconscious hours called.

I agree with the rest of the group. Dumb move; you are lucky that you woke up. Don't do this again and if you have done this more than once, get some help while you still can.

It's called a bad move. Take care not to do it again, or it may be the last thing you do.

Not quite but nice try ZilZil 6 months ago .

Well no, I didn't take drugs, it was a one off thing, when needed ZilZil 6 months ago .

News flash - lots of people who are addicted to drugs have prescriptions for them.

It's called STUPID! You are lucky you woke up. You need help, next time it may kill you.

Go to AA, get into rehab, get counseling, Booze and drugs never mix.

Typical response from an alcoholic. I repeat, You need help, Go to AA, get into rehab, get counseling, Booze and drugs never mix.

I'm an alcoholic just because I had one night of drinking. It doesn't work like that ZilZil 6 months ago .

Typical alcoholics answer, you are in denial .

How would I be an alcoholic if I rarely drink. Once a month if that ZilZil 6 months ago .

Interesting, so it's not the first time you've mixed sleeping pills and booze. Also tipsy IS intoxication, ask your doctor and pharmacist about mixing the 2 if you think we are lying.

You should be glad you're still alive. A lot of people wouldn't have woke up after doing that.

You think we are being hardon you, and maybe we are. We are also trying to help you. In was in a bad way for a time, depression, drinking, and overdosing on meds.

I was so scared after I took the overdose, I called someone for help and they called 911. I would have died had I not asked for help. What you did was dumb!

What I did was dumb! Please learn from your mistakes. I sure did.

OOOppppssss, that is hard on, not hardon, lol.

Drug abuse and alcoholism. Get some help. The next time, you might not wake up.

You're making out it's a regular thing, it was only one night where I thought I needed it ZilZil 6 months ago .

Ok, lets look at this step by step. You went out, and got drunk. Really drunk.Is that a regular thing?

You got so drunk that, for some reason, you thought it would be a good thing to do is to take a bunch of sleeping pills. Thought processes like that are an indication of a problem. Taking a bunch of pills is drug abuse.

Drinking to the point of making a choice that could have very easily killed you is an indication of a problem. I'm not judging you. I son't know you.

You can drink and take all the pills you want to. I don't care. You asked a question.

I answered. That's all. But to give you a direct answer - it's called stupid.

It's not a regular thing. They are on prescription and I take them every night to sleep. I didn't think they would have such an effect as they haven't done before under the same circumstances ZilZil 6 months ago .

I have seen sleeping pill perscriptions. It CLEARLY states on the bottle, on a bright orange sticker, DO NOT DRINK while taking this medication.So how on earth could you possible think there would be no effect? Because you have done this before (even though you keep stating that it is not a regular thing), and it didn't kill you?

People who shoot heroin do so a lot. Then, one time, it kills them. People do cocaine, and nothing happens, then all of a sudden, they have a heart attack.

So, even though you claim you don't do this, and them say you have done it before, it is, sooner or later, going to kill you.As I stated before, I don't care what you do. It's your life. If you want to continue to do stupid things, that's on you.

Many have died from doing the same thing, either intentional to commit suicide or fro m wanting to get even more of a high. If you felt you needed both drugs it sounds like yo you have an addiction problem. Please get some help.

You said it was a "one time thing" but in your last response stated that "under the same circumstances, you didn't get the same effect. " .

Well that last time, I wasn't intoxicated, just on the verge of being tipsy and I felt the same after. So I didn't think it would harm me ZilZil 6 months ago .

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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