I want to change back to yahoo classic email from New yahoo mail, I cant see the option to go back,help me?

If you mean you want to change back to the format of regular mail that you used just before a very recent change, there is no way to go back at all! (This newer version does not have a 'What's New section, but goes directly to the Inbox.) If you mean you want a much older version of mail called 'Mail Classic', there are two ways to switch back: 1. Try the following link each time you open your mail - it still works as of yesterday.

Save the link as a Bookmark/Favorite. Use it every time you visit Yahoo Mail, and you will get the Classic version. http://us.mc598.mail.yahoo.com/mc/launch If your account is registered in another country other than the US, the links should be changed to your country abbreviation.

For example, change the 'us' and/or the '. Com' portions of the links 2. This much older technique will still work for any country, since the newest version requires Javascript (kept updated) on the IE browser.

The change back to Classic can be done with a small (temporary) change - disable Javascript. - For Internet Explorer, Go to Tools > Internet Options > Security > Custom level. In the scripting section, disable active scripting.

, then refresh the page. Once you have switched back to Classic Mail, refresh the browser page and change these settings back again. In Options, click Permanent to stay in the Classic version.

Do NOT click the 'One Time Only' option. - For Firefox and Chrome, remain logged in, go to Tools > Options > Content and un-check Enable JavaScript. For Firefox, open Tools, Options, Content.

Click 'Disable javascript'. Then refresh the page while you are still signed in to Yahoo! E-mail to switch back.

In Options, click Permanent to stay in the Classic version. Do NOT click the 'One Time Only' option. IMPORTANT: Turn Javascripting back on when you are back in Mail Classic or some functions will be disabled.

Read this page for complete detailed instructions for all main browsers: http://enable-javascript.com To clear your cache, history and cookies the easiest way, press Ctrl + Shift + Delete buttons at the same time on your keyboard. This works for almost all browsers. Answers is a Jungle.

New email system not good. The least yahoo can do Is give a option to those who want to keep the classic view.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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