I wan't to learn driving. Should I buy a new car or an old car? I want to buy a new car but I am worried that I might?

I wan't to learn driving. Should I buy a new car or an old car? I want to buy a new car but I am worried that I might .. .. damage the car while learning.

If a cheap used car is damaged the loss is small but if I damage a new car the loss will be big. Is it likely that people seriously damage a car when they first learn driving? Asked by stpaul 36 months ago Similar questions: wan't learn driving buy car worried Transportation > Automotive.

Similar questions: wan't learn driving buy car worried.

Here are my thoughts on this... If you fear that you are going to be scraping your car a lot as you learn to drive--which most people do not do--then, by all means practice on a beat up old car. But, make sure you have good automobile insurance; because, other people don’t like people scratching up their cars. I think it is much more important to have a normal sized car that runs dependably.

You don’t want a used car that needs new brakes, has electrical problems causing directional signals to operate only intermittantly, etc. It is probably easier not to start out on a huge boat of a car. When you are starting out, you want to eliminate all extraneous challenges and focus in on your driving and the environment you are driving in. You don’t want to add to the complexity of this by introducing a car that has operating quirks that requires you to adjust your driving or compensate in special ways.

Look at all the people out there driving. They aren’t all professional drivers or rocket scientists.So, don’t worry; have faith in your abilities. You will do just fine.

If you live in Minneapolis, I think it is more challenging to learn in the Winter with snow and ice.It is much easier to start in dry weather and progress to rainy weather, before tackling driving in Winter. There are extra techniques you need to master to drive successfully in the snow. They are easy to learn; but, I consider them Driving 201, not Driving 101.So, to get back to your question, when you start learning to drive, do so in an area where you can master basic navigation and control without hitting other cars.

You should not plan on hitting other cars or objects. If you spend a lot of money on a used car, you will likely get as upset if it gets scratched as if it were a new car. And, if you choose to get a beat up old car, be sure you have a mechanic or mechanically minded friend check out the car before buying it.

You want it to run dependably if you are to learn how to drive in it. Good luck! Be grateful you are learning in Minneapolis where folks are civil on the road...imagine learning to drive in Queens or Brooklyn... Sources: Over 35 years of driving experience across the US and overseas .

Misconceptions You will almost certainly...NOT...damage your car while learning to drive. Having suggest this, it's still a good idea to learn in a cheap, automatic substitute car. If you are brave, learn with a stick-shift, probably a four speed on the console.

You may someday be forced to drive one in an emergency and you will want to know how, it's simple enough. When you are learning you will be so careful and attentive that an accident is very unlikely. Most accidents are done by "experienced" drivers and of those almost all are males under the age of 25 years.

There is an organic reason for this since the frontal cortex in the young male does not fully develop until about the age of 25 and sometimes later or not at all. Lol Being a good driver will place you in a very small percentile of the entire driving population so, learn well with a patient, experienced driver, obviously not, your boy friend, if you're female. If you are male, make an attempt to defy the probability mathematics.

One's dad is usually OK if he happens, by accident, to be patient. Under no circumstances use an impatient instructor. The instructor needs be an adventuresome person since for them, this can be, and usually is, a scary proposition.

Have fun, your freedom is about to begin and nothing the incompetent Bush "Administration" has done in the last eight years can take it away! Sally forth and be free.

Do not buy a car at all, until you have a valid driver's license (in the US). Take a driver's ed course in your locality - they will provide the car while you practice with them. Unless you have a license, or the entire amount of the new vehicle, most loan companies will not finance a vehicle to an unlicensed driver, and you wouldn't be able to get full coverage insurance, which they would demand, unless you have a valid license.

Many states will not allow you to register a vehicle without insurance coverage. Additionally, you will not be able to "practice" driving in the US unless you have a licensed driver above the age of 18 in your vehicle anyway. And, unless you can have someone teach you, you're not going to know enough to pass the driver's test.

There are so many ways things can go wrong by buying a vehicle without a license, because you will be tempted to use it. Just wait until you have a license. It is best for you to buy a used car until you get some experience (say 5 years or so) of consistent driving under your belt.

Also, as a brand new driver, your rates are going to be higher than you can imagine. With a new car you would have to carry full coverage if it is financed, and you would want to carry full coverage when you own the car; with a used car you can get away with just liability, and that will save you hundreds if not thousands of dollars in insurance costs until you get enough time to be considered an "experienced" driver. BTW, if you're thinking you're going to damage the car learning to drive, you shouldn't be behind the wheel of a car, ever.

I learned how to drive without getting a nick in the car, and I think most people can say the same. Schelli's Recommendations Passing the Driving Test For Dummies (For Dummies (Sports & Hobbies)) Amazon List Price: $21.50 Auto Roadside Survival Guide to Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech)) Amazon List Price: $9.99 Used from: $3.30 .

I would I would buy a really big old car. It will be a little harder to drive than a small car, as the visibility out will be marginal. But if you learn on that big car, you'll be very happy later on when you switch to a smaller car.

The big car you can drive and not worry about dents and minor accidents. Everybody goofs up a bit at first so it is better to put the dents in a cheap car.

1 Usually, few damage a car while learning if they go easy, thoughtful and have a good teacher. On a learners permit you need a licensed driver anyways. Personally, I would buy the car I want after I have my drivers rights.

That is how I would consider upon itBest of luck!Blessings.........Annlee .

Usually, few damage a car while learning if they go easy, thoughtful and have a good teacher. On a learners permit you need a licensed driver anyways. Personally, I would buy the car I want after I have my drivers rights.

That is how I would consider upon itBest of luck!Blessings.........Annlee.

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I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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