I will be taking GMAT next year and verbal section is very weak. Can you suggest me a book/website that have verbal practice tests?

I am going to take the GMAT and I work full-time. I’ve found a great site, examville.com , any spare time I get, at home or at work during lunch, I take online GMAT practice tests. They also have subject specific practice tests so you can work on your verbal section without taking the complete test.

If you need help with the subject you can enroll for the live review classes, and seek expert guidance. All the Best.

You will not need the keyboard for the Verbal section, so move it aside to give you more desk room for writing on scrap paper. The correct answer will have all 4 of the following characteristics: 1. No grammar errors 2.

Correct sentence structure 3. No diction errors 4. No changes to the sentence’s intended meaning However, the correct answer is not always the shortest or most concise.Do not waste time reading answer A too closely.

It simply repeats the text underlined in the question. But do not ignore it entirely or assume that there is always an improved answer choice. Look out for multiple errors.

A common mistake is to find one error in the sentence and quickly choose the answer that corrects that error, without noticing that there are other errors in the sentence. The correct answer choice must correct all the errors in the underlined sentence. You can eliminate answer choices that are grammatically incorrect.

You can also eliminate choices that change the meaning of the sentence. If, after this, you are still unsure, you will fare better by choosing the most concise of your remaining choices. The only exception is if it uses the passive voice.

Do not worry about spelling or capitalization errors. These are not tested for. Compare the answer choices.

Seeing how the choices differ from one another is a good way to find out what errors might be in the underlined text. Also beware of choices that are radically different from the others. Plug in your answer choice and read the entire sentence again.

This will keep you from making careless mistakes. If you are stuck, ‘say’ the choices in your head, and see whether they sound right. Most often, you will have internalized more grammar rules than you can identify.

The grammar concepts tested most often are: The use of ‘among’ versus ‘between’ Elliptical verb phrases Misplaced modifiers Parallel sentences Pronoun-subject agreement Proper use of adverbs Proper use of the semicolon The use of ‘fewer’ versus ‘less’ Run-on sentences Sentence fragments Subject-verb agreement Verb tenses The use of ‘who’ versus ‘whom’.

I recommend examville.com if you are preparing for the test. They have online standardized practice exams, review materials you can download and upload. They also have live online classes.

You can log on to this site examville.com. It has practice test papers, and the study material that you can download and study at leisure. They have live review classes with the subject experts.

What I found very useful on this site was the feature that enables you to take the subject specific practice tests. If your verbal section is weak then, you can practice more of the verbal section. Hope you will find this information useful.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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