Hum... A quick search of the internet turns up, well, not much. Telling me this isn't a very popular hack. From what I can tell, this is an IR keyboard (i.e.
You can't use it from behind the couch). I do the same w/my DVR w/a no name IR keyboard. It came with a dongle that plugs into the ps2 ports.
Now, when you say "ps/2" are you saying "Sony PlayStation 2" or are your saysing "IBM PersonalSystem 2 keyboard port"? If Sony, I can not help you. If IBM, I would try to find one of those IR to keyboard dongles.
However, I'll bet you'll have to buy another keyboard or remote control in order to get one. I wouldn't build one as I don't think they are expensive. Especially if you can find a cheap 3rd party IR remote control that uses such a dongle BTW, if you were thinking LIRC, the better way to go, from what I understand, is a USB dongle that looks like a remote control and NOT a keyboard.
Not to worry if you don't know what LIRC is. It just means I guessed wrong. If you still really want to build the adaptor, I did find something (1st link below) which appears to use a PIC 16F* processor:
And there is a slight possibility it will work. But, mostly, I am trying to point out that computer centric IR remote controls are not all that expensive. -good luck.
Use a IrDA reciever, and LIRC (or similar software) - schematics on the LIRC homepage. If you have to, you can build a simple receiver out of a handful of common parts... I think the best (most transparent) way would be to Take the AVR chip based receiver and make it output PS/2 serial data. Otherwise you'll have to use some software to simulate keypresses.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.