Iam 14 and iam 5'5 and weigh 147 pounds am I overweight if so how much should I weigh?

Iam 14 and iam 5'5 and weigh 147 pounds am I overweight if so how much should I weigh Asked by gabe11894 34 months ago Similar questions: iam 14 5'5 weigh 147 pounds overweight Health > Fitness & Diet.

Similar questions: iam 14 5'5 weigh 147 pounds overweight.

NO according to most, if not all medical advice from doctors and trainers, you are just right, a perfect example of healthy. I currently am to skinny, I am 5'7", 22, a male, and weigh 145, I should be at 160 (according to my medical team consisting of a nurse, doctor, endocrinologist, and nutritionist) so by no means are you overweight, if someone is telling you that you are they are way wrong. But if you think otherwise or you want to do any research, check with your doctor first.

I hope this helps and remember, never make any decisions to go on a diet, workout program, or weight lost program without consulting a doctor that knows you first. Sources: Park nicollet Clinic MN, personal information from 5 years of medical condition .

You should weigh four inches less than I do. For that is what I weigh and I'm 5' 9". So, 147 lbs.

Divided by 69 inches = 2.13 pounds per inch. Lose ten pounds.

2 Without knowing your particular build, it would be hard to say if you're overweight or not. You should ask your doctor if your weight is healthy next time you have a check-up.

Without knowing your particular build, it would be hard to say if you're overweight or not. You should ask your doctor if your weight is healthy next time you have a check-up.

3 At 14 years old and 5'5", 147 is overweight. Not obese, but try to get control now before it really gets out of control.

At 14 years old and 5'5", 147 is overweight. Not obese, but try to get control now before it really gets out of control.

I am a 5'2" 14 year old female. I wigh 125 pounds...am I overweight? " "I am 13 years old(14 in may)I would like to lose like 25 pounds for prom.

I weigh between 230- 240. 5'6 Prom is june 28" "Why is it when a person is on a diet and doing well that the last five pounds is so difficult to take off? " "if a 12 year old 4.10 ish and is 112 pounds, is that overweight?" "Exercise diet and fitness questions" "Iam 16 and I am 700 pounds and I can bench about 4 pounds and I can curl 1 pounds iam woundering if this go for my age" "how much does the average sparrow weigh in pounds" "Im 13 and I weigh 103 pounds .

Im 5'6 is this overweight? " "i am 14, 5 ft and weigh 107lb, am I average weight, underweight or overweight?" "I have an overweight Manx Cat. He is on a diet but he is still fat.

What should I do?

I am a 5'2" 14 year old female. I wigh 125 pounds...am I overweight?

I am 13 years old(14 in may)I would like to lose like 25 pounds for prom. I weigh between 230- 240. 5'6 Prom is june 28.

Iam 16 and I am 700 pounds and I can bench about 4 pounds and I can curl 1 pounds iam woundering if this go for my age.

How much does the average sparrow weigh in pounds.

Im 13 and I weigh 103 pounds . Im 5'6 is this overweight?

I have an overweight Manx Cat. He is on a diet but he is still fat. What should I do?

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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