If girl says this while texting, is she trying to be friends or does she like you?

Yeah . She gives obvious signs that she does. She didn't text you during finals because she really wanted to study and such.

Don't worry. You guys will live happily after!

I think she does like you. I would definitely say that to a guy I like. College finals are a big deal and she probably really couldn't text anyone while she was getting ready for them.

And if she apologized to you about having to cancel, she probably meant it. If I had to cancel on a guy I didn't really like, I wouldn't apologize. I would just leave it alone.So, the fact that she apologized is a good sign.

Well, don't change anything since it look like you two are already in some sort of a relationship development.

Course she does. Finals are big and take huge focus. Keep working on it!

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She likes ya, she loves ya, she wants some more ofs ya, lol. Yeah she def likes you.

She sounds interested, go get her. Play it cool and stop posting her texts on here.

Yeah, pretty sure she likes you :) but taking finals in college SO stressful lol. But yeah think she does.

I don't know how many time I tell people to never tex call her! Then you won't be so confused. And im sure it good.

She might like you but she just had a lot on her mind.

There are 2 possible reasons she cancelled on you. 1) Shes playing hard to get. 2) she actually needs to sort her life out.

I have a guy I like who is going through the same thing as her, and it's really annoying. But I am giving him time, and he's starting to want to hang out more now and things. So .. Just wait for her to adjust and hopefully all will go great Good luck.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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